Category: -genres
7 Ways to Keep Your Sanity While There Are No New Movies
Tired of your DVD collection? Seen every series on Netflix? Your couch probably has a permanent butt print from holding the fort at home during quarantine. With Hollywood — and the entire world — on hold for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, here are some creative movie-related things to do that are new. 7…
How do the movies in Star Wars stand up to the Bechdel test?
Do the characters in Star Wars — movies ostensibly depicting future lives and worlds — pass the Bechdel test? I was up too late one night and decided to think this through. What is the Bechdel test, you ask? It’s generally accepted as whether a work of fiction features at least two named women who…
Every Disney Princess Movie Obsessed with Mommy Problems (and 3 that aren’t)
Disney Princesses obsessed with mothers, missing mothers, and evil step-mothers Star Wars is all about Daddy Issues. Yet Disney has a thing for moms: missing, crazy, obsessed, or just plain evil mother figures. What’s the endless deal with parental problems? Why does this speak to us in this day and age, to the point where…
5 Older Movies We’d Love Remakes Of (And 5 That Are Perfect)
It is a truth universally acknowledged: a single movie in possession of a large following must be in want of a remake. At least, that’s how Hollywood executives seem to see things! Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the real truth is that remakes aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. And that’s even understandable, to some extent.…
Top 10 Animated Fantasy Movies
Pixar’s latest adventure Onward hit cinemas last March 6, and it’s one of the only films still in theaters (at least those that are now open, including many drive-in theaters). It’s set in a world of mythical creatures such as mermaids, unicorns, gnomes, centaurs, manticores, and elves. I thought it would be fun to take…
The Biggest Box-Office Hits With Terrifying Basements
Horror movies can do incredibly well or incredibly poorly at the box office, and it’s hard to tell which a movie will be before it happens. Box office success might not be the only indicator of a good movie, but it’s something many people look at when judging whether they’ll be interested in a film.…
Director “Snyder Cut” of Justice League officially premieres 2021 on HBO Max
For better or for worse, there will be a director’s cut of 2017’s Justice League, created by director Zack Snyder. Warner Bros announced it would premiere Snyder’s Director’s Cut of Justice League in 2021 on the upcoming HBO Max streaming platform. It will be titled Zack Snyder’s Justice League, but far no specific release date or…
Tenet and Mulan to Hit Theaters in July
If we’re really good, and really lucky, we can have nice things this summer — new movies at actual walk-in theaters near you. And not just any movies: genuine blockbusters! YAY…drumroll…. for Tenet and Mulan! After months in global lock-down and endless quarantine, people are ready to be transported to great science fiction and fantasy…
A New Hope: Thor Director Taika Waititi Tapped to Fix Star Wars
Remember when Taika Waititi fixed Thor? Well, now he gets the chance to show he can fix Star Wars. Waititi was already tapped to direct the hugely popular Disney+ Star Wars TV series The Mandalorian. The serialized Bounty-Hunter-meets-[Redacted for Spoilers] premise was greeted with nearly galactic reactions of relieved happiness. Star Wars was looking good…