Category: -genres
Rewatch Review – The Nightmare Before Christmas
Full disclosure… I am a big Tim Burton fan. I’ve seen and enjoyed all of his films. Yes… even his Planet Of The Apes! And the thing is that you tend to think of him as a live action director, albeit with an eye for the more cartoonish aspects of life. So, is that why he…
CoVid Life: How to use the bathroom in movie theaters
Theaters are open again for large screen film fun. Not all, but some intrepid theaters worldwide have opened their doors. You should help support your local theater if you’re lucky enough to live near an open one, if you feel safe enough to get out there. But… you still need to use the restrooms to…
Christmas Movie Review – Happiest Season
Happiest Season is a Christmas film. I thought I’d better just make that clear given the article elsewhere! Anyway, this is a Christmas film through and through. The essence of it is a couple going away to spend the holidays with one of the families. It’s a fairly standard rom-com where one of the couple…
Rewatch Review – The Man Who Invented Christmas
A lot of what we now think of as Christmas traditions going back centuries actually started out as little more than whims of fashion — many of which are less than two hundred years old. The Man Who Invented Christmas tells the story of some of those fashions. When Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol there wasn’t really a…
Rewatch Reviews – Arthur Christmas
First off, I LOVE Arthur Christmas! It is funny, entertaining, and endlessly re-watchable. The talent on display is awesome and the attention to detail is breathtaking. There are so many little things that you either see for the first time when you watch it, or can point out to other people who haven’t spotted it. It’s…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of All My Life?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of All My Life. View details and movie information…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Come Play?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Come Play. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Come Play
Come Play wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. We’ll break this one down into what was right and what was wrong. Right: Azhy Robertson, playing Oliver did fantastic. I can see him doing well for himself. The concept of the monster was new. I liked how they used today’s technology to bring it to…
Movie Review – All My Life
All My Life could have been a great movie. Jessica Rothe and Harry Shum Jr did an excellent job in the lead roles, but where it fell flat was the supporting cast. They all felt forced and not properly given enough of a backstory to feel something for them. The story itself was heartbreaking. Rothe…
Classic Movie Rewatch Review – Trading Places
I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve watched Trading Places over the years, and not always as a Christmas film. It’s a comedy first and foremost, then it’s a social satire, and only then is it a holiday film. For the sake of the half dozen or so people who haven’t seen it,…