Category: -genres
Is there anything extra during the end credits of The Eternals?
Yes, there are extra scenes during the end credits of The Eternals. There is a mid-credits extra scene and then another extra scene after the end credits finish. Both are important to future stories and worth sticking around for. release date (USA) November 5th, 2021 runtime 2h 37min Directed By Chloé Zhao Stars Gemma Chan as…
Indie Documentary Review – I’m An Electric Lampshade
My word…this makes a change! Normally I spend the first couple of paragraphs bitching on about how this film is not the genre I usually like, or that film is aimed at a totally different demographic to the one I inhabit, and then go on to use that as my reason for not liking it…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Halloween Kills?
There is nothing extra during, or after, the end credits of Halloween Kills. The credits run for approximately 5 minutes. Read the RunPee movie review for Halloween Kills by Christene Johnson. Movie review grade: C+ We have 2 Peetimes for Halloween Kills. Learn more. About The Peetimes There are 2 great times to choose from.…
Movie Review – Halloween Kills
I’ve been waiting for Halloween Kills since Christmas. I love my horror flicks and walk into the theater giddy with excitement. So here’s my thought as the credits roll — they totally missed the boat. For one, if they followed the formula of the last thirteen, we would have seen drugs, sex, and naked bodies.…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of The Last Duel?
There is nothing extra during, or after, the end credits of The Last Duel. The credits run for approximately 9 minutes. [wbcr_text_snippetid=”22458″][/wbcr_text_snippet] Read the RunPee movie review for The Last Duel by Dan Gardner. Movie review grade: B+ We have 4 Peetimes for The Last Duel. Learn more. About ThePeetimes We did our best to…
Movie Review – The Last Duel
This is a hard movie to watch, but at the same time, it should be watched. That makes it difficult to give it a grade. If I grade it on the enjoyment I’d give it a very low score. But if I grade it with respect for the narrative, the message, and the skill of…
The Giant James Bond Rewatch – Climax! Casino Royale (1954)
During the course of doing my bit of the Giant James Bond Rewatch, there were references to Climax! Casino Royale which is the very first screen outing for Bond; an episode of Climax! from 1954, less than three years after the novel was written. Seeing as how it was a television episode from the other…
Indie Movie Review – Demigod
Film makers have their own styles…who’d have thought it! Actually, I can spot the big ones: the gothic imagery of Tim Burton, the breathtaking visuals of Luc Besson, or the exquisitely choreographed violence of John Woo. I have to admit that I’m not as au fait as some others, the ones who can watch…
Movie Review – Gunpowder Milkshake
In case you haven’t noticed, things have been a bit untoward for the last couple of years. As part of my rehab I’ve been making the effort to get back into the cinema at least once a week. The upshot of this, combined with various family commitments, means that I tend to go and see…
Top 5 Songs from the movie Sing 1 (2016)
It’s no secret I have a guilty fondness for the original Sing movie (2016). In fact, I set my Alexa to wake me up with the chipper, highly singable tunes I play imaginary karaoke to in the privacy of my shower. The movie narrative itself is charming and upbeat, with a great message about inclusivity.…