Category: Horror
Indie Movie Review – Baby Frankenstein
This was not a good film. The overall impression was that Baby Frankenstein was an E.T. wannabe, but with a laboratory experiment replacing an extra terrestrial. One group finds the ‘stranger’ and befriends it, and then have to protect it from another group who want to catch it. So the first group consists of two…
Indie Movie Review – The Luring
When I saw “The Luring” I thought it looked quite interesting and would make a change from the other low budget offerings I get to see. What usually happens is I get sent an email with the poster and trailer, and then I decide whether or not I want a screener so I can review…
Indie Movie Review – The Last Exorcist
I think it’s only fair to say from the start that I’m not a horror/supernatural film fan, so The Last Exorcist wouldn’t have been one of my first choices if I was toddling down to my local cinema. Ultimately, however, you tend not to review only the films you like, and I try to remain…
Indie Movie Review – Homewrecker
Homewrecker was a bit of a change for me… the first independent film I’d seen that had people in it that I’d seen before! Alex Essoe, who played Michelle, was in Doctor Sleep (as Wendy Torrance no less!) and Precious Chong, who played Linda, had been in L.A. Confidential and Pearl Harbor. Besides those two, there…
Indie Movie Review – Widow’s Point
Oh dear… what to say about Widow’s Point? Full disclosure — horror is not my genre I just don’t buy into the whole supernatural thing. Having said that, I will watch almost anything (Editor’s note — yes, he will!) and have seen most of the last three years’ worth of newly released horror films when…
Indie Movie Review – The Tent (no spoilers)
I’m not sure what to say for the best here; if I didn’t have to worry about spoilers I could write a much more comprehensive review. For the first half to three quarters of this film I was thinking, “Is it a horror? It’s not very horrific. They could have replaced the ‘monster’ with a…
Indie Movie Review – Hawk & Rev: Vampire Slayers
I’ll be honest. As soon as this started running I thought, “here we go… another low budget, low talent, low quality bit of nonsense,” but I was pleasantly surprised! I’m sure that it is a low budget piece. The sets seem to be back alleys, back gardens, and public roads. The cast are all new…
Movie Review – The New Mutants
This was a nice welcome back to the theater movie. It was fun and pulled me in very quickly, especially since this isn’t usually my kind of film. The first thing that comes to mind about The New Mutants was the chemistry. When you have a group of five characters, it’s usually difficult to pull…