Category: Entertainment News
The Sundance Film Festival 2021 Online Experience
I’ve always dreamed of going to the Sundance Film Festival. This year, I got my chance. With the pandemic making live movie screenings impossible, the programmers turned Sundance from a ten day in-person festival to a six day online festival. How did it work and was the experience worth it? Read on to find out.…
Jill’s Top 10 Movies of 2020
Well, let’s start by saying 2020 sucked, movie-wise. At least in the theatrical releases. With the pandemic keeping us inside, theaters have been (mostly) closed all year — tough for film fanatics like us. The trickle of new wide release films hasn’t provided much in the way of outstanding offerings: I’ve had to fill in…
RunPee Poll – Wonder Woman 1984 News & Opinions
Warner Brothers announced that Wonder Woman 1984 will be released simultaneously in theaters and streaming on HBO Max starting Christmas Day. Under normal circumstances theaters would never go for this, but these are hardly normal circumstances. But, what if they were? Suppose you live in a COVID free world — hard to do I know…
Best of British Biographies – Sean Connery
This weekend I had one of those “aww” moments when you get some sad news. Not so sad as to knock you sideways, like the death of a parent or a favourite dog, but sad enough to give you a moment’s pause to think back and reflect. That moment was when I heard that Sir…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: “Blockbuster movie gets a new release date”
You know what this reminds me of? The lyrics from the classic rock song Fly Like an Eagle: Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping… Into the future. Except replace time with release dates: Release dates keep on slipping, slipping, slipping… Into the future. When will this end? When theaters can be packed. There’s no way for that…
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Entertainment Industry
COVID-19 has undoubtedly had an impact on almost every industry, including tourism, transportation, hospitality, and entertainment. Many governments responded to the pandemic by enforcing countrywide lockdowns. That meant that people were not allowed to move around as a way to control the spread of the COVID-19. The entertainment industry is among the sectors hit hard…
Covid news: What to expect when you return to the movie theater
Movie theaters are reopening across America — although not yet here in North Carolina where I live. If you’re planning on going to the theater to see a movie, here are some things to look out for so you’ll have a comfortable and safe experience. First. The movie theaters want you to be safe Obviously,…
Back To the Movies We Go: Once more unto the breach!
I don’t know if anyone’s noticed, but there’s been a bit of a hiccough vis-à-vis watching films in the cinema for the last five months or so in that, well, there haven’t been any! Once COVID-19 started getting serious, the cinemas were closed down for the good of public health and safety, along with anything…