Category: Opinion
10 Clever Visual Tricks to Make Your Home Look Better to Renters
in OpinionRenting a property is a great way to build wealth and make use of a property in your portfolio you hope will appreciate in the future. But if you want your rental property strategy to work, you need good renters to occupy your house. That means marketing and advertising your property to the best possible…
Where is it better to watch movies at home or in a theater? Let’s look at the pros and cons.
in OpinionMany people prefer to take a break from everyday life on their days off. On those days, you can visit a theater or restaurant, go for a walk or meet friends, or you can watch a movie in a cinema. Of course, there are those who prefer to watch movies at home. Someone could argue…
James Bond, Mr. White, Dr. Madeleine Swann, and No Time To Die
Dr. Madeleine Swann is a major character in the Bond franchise, set to reappear in No Time to Die. In the trailer, Oberhauser warns Bond, “When her secret finds its way out, it will be the death of you.” Who is this beautiful girl with a deadly secret? What is her relationship to Bond? And…
Do You Know Why We Are Obsessed with Superhero Movies?
in OpinionMovie enthusiasts believe that Americans have a deep-rooted relationship with superhero movies. In 2019, about six hit films were about superheroes. They keep topping the chart this year too. Movies like Avengers, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, and many others are a sensation. They have caught and retained the public’s fancy. One thing is sure. It’s not…
Why are Comic Movies so Popular?
in OpinionIt is almost a statement of the fact that Americans have a soft spot for superheroes and superhero movies. Yet, as of 2017, more than half of the top 10 grossing films were superhero movies – ranging from Avengers: Infinity War to Black Panther and others. These movies did not only win over the…
How to write a useful film review
in OpinionA movie review is a short article that expresses your opinion about a movie you have recently seen. Sometimes people write such essays not even to publish them somewhere, but just to analyze their thoughts about a movie. At the same time, it’s a typical academic assignment. People can also post their reviews online to…
My Favorite YouTube Channels About Movies
Pop Culture Detective Description: A series of video essays looking at media through a critical lens with an emphasis on the intersections of politics, masculinity and entertainment. Hosted by Jonathan McIntosh. Pop Culture Detective is hands down my favorite movie related YouTube channel. His videos aren’t short. Most of them run in the 20-30 minute range.…
Everything wrong with Wonder Woman 1984 and suggestions to fix it
Wonder Woman 1984 (WW84) is an insult to storytelling. It’s popular to blame the writers and directors in cases like this, but I think it’s clear that the decision makers — asshats — at Warner Brothers are the real reason WW84 is so bad. There’s a great article over at that goes…
Jill’s Top 10 Movies of 2020
Well, let’s start by saying 2020 sucked, movie-wise. At least in the theatrical releases. With the pandemic keeping us inside, theaters have been (mostly) closed all year — tough for film fanatics like us. The trickle of new wide release films hasn’t provided much in the way of outstanding offerings: I’ve had to fill in…
Silver Linings: Gratitude in the Year of CoVid
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― Gandalf, The Fellowship…