Category: -genres
Indie Movie Review: HAM – A Musical Memoir
If you’re like me, you’ve missed live theater during the pandemic. You watched Hamilton and you’re looking forward to Netflix’s adaptation of The Prom. May I suggest a one-man show that may not be on your radar yet? It’s called HAM: A Musical Memoir and it’s playing in virtual theaters now. Starting January 7, it…
Top Twenty Games on Star Trek – Including Poker, Dabo, 3-D Chess, Fizzbin, and Tongo
Because I’m a good geek, I wrote a quick post about Star Trek: The Next Generation and poker. There’s a few more Star Trek games to discuss: 3-D Chess, Strategema, Darts, Tongo, Dabo, Pool, and of course, the time-honored game of Fizzbin. And that’s not even all of the games Star Trek made-up or showcased…
Christmas Indie Movie Review – Middleton Christmas
Middleton Christmas — or There’ll Always Be Christmas — as it’s sometimes now called is, I will be blunt, not my cup of tea. It might have appealed to my mother were she still alive, so maybe it’s a generational thing. She might have overlooked the things that irked me, but I found them too…
RunPee Poll – Wonder Woman 1984 News & Opinions
Warner Brothers announced that Wonder Woman 1984 will be released simultaneously in theaters and streaming on HBO Max starting Christmas Day. Under normal circumstances theaters would never go for this, but these are hardly normal circumstances. But, what if they were? Suppose you live in a COVID free world — hard to do I know…
Christmas Indie Movie Review – Cup Of Cheer
Cup Of Cheer is, allegedly, a comedy. There are moments of incongruity, surprise, repetition, inversion, exaggeration, and slapstick. There’s only one thing missing and that, sadly, is anything remotely funny. It is supposed to be a parody of the archetypal, traditional Christmas film. Cup Of Cheer starts with a big city journalist, Mary (Storm Steenson) being sent to…
A US Classic From A UK Perspective – A Christmas Story
A little background… At the start of the decade a change in circumstances meant I had a lot of spare time during the run up to Christmas. So what was I going to do? What I did was got hold of a load of Christmas films and thoroughly got into the spirit of the season.…
All About A Christmas Carol
So Many Retellings Of A Short Story Scrooge, a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner… let’s make a Christmas favourite of him! I’m going to luxuriate in the knowledge that I’ll be talking about a story that is nearly two centuries old and, therefore, will be paying no heed to the usual dread…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Half Brothers?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Half Brothers. View details and movie information…
New Movie Review – Half Brothers
Half Brothers exceeded my expectations, especially since the trailers didn’t show you the depth of the movie. There was a lot more to it than a quirky comedy. The dynamics of the brothers was my favorite part, but the story also caught my attention. It was a deep tug on your heart strings kind of…
Miracle On 34th Street – 1947 vs 1994
A good story bears repeating. At least that’s the impression you get if you look into your average film studio’s output. Who knows… maybe there’s a future article in that? Anyhow, as it’s rapidly approaching Christmas, I thought I’d take a look at one of my favourite Christmas stories — and two films — I’m…