Category: Animated
Top 5 Songs from the movie Sing 1 (2016)
It’s no secret I have a guilty fondness for the original Sing movie (2016). In fact, I set my Alexa to wake me up with the chipper, highly singable tunes I play imaginary karaoke to in the privacy of my shower. The movie narrative itself is charming and upbeat, with a great message about inclusivity.…
Movie Review – The Boss Baby: Family Business
The Boss Baby: Family Business is, as you probably expected, meant for young children. There’s enough wild antics to appeal to pre-schoolers and two, simple to follow, plots. One about brotherhood. The other about self-confidence. Both of which are good lessons for pre-teens. This is far from Pixar-good, but it’s not bad. It pretty much…
Movie Review – Spirit Untamed
Spirit Untamed was exactly what we were all looking for. On the opening show we — myself, Runpee Mom, my daughter, and my granddaughter — went to see Spirit on the big screen. All four of us have seen every episode numerous times, due to the fact that my granddaughter worships horses and loves Spirit.…
Children’s Book Review – Tucker’s Countryside (A sequel to The Cricket in Times Square)
Tucker in Tucker’s Countryside (1969) is the mouse from the extraordinary and renowned children’s book The Cricket in Times Square. Here the mouse gets his own heroic tail. Or, er…tale. In Cricket — the origin novel (and animated children’s special) — small and lonely Chester Cricket gets accidentally trapped in the New York Square Subway…
Children’s Book Review – Bunnicula
I’ve been doing a little light yoga reading routine each morning. I put my legs in the air for 10 minutes, before I even get out of bed, to take me from sleepy to wakey in a gentler fashion. Hey, it’s Doctor Approved! I decided to take this daily time to read through some kiddie…
What I Saw During the 2021 Sundance Film Festival
in Animated, Behind the Scenes at RunPee, Comedy, Day Killer, Documentary, Drama, Dystopian, Entertainment Destinations, Entertainment Events, Entertainment News, Family, Fantasy, Film Festivals, Historical, Horror, Indie and vintage films, Limited release, List, Movie Opinions and Lists, Movie summary, Romance, ThrillerI recently got to attend the 2021 Sundance Film Festival online. It was a wonderful experience. I got to see an array of unique films. and discover some new favorites. While I’ll be posting reviews of my favorite films from the festival, it would be impossible to review everything I experienced. Here, though, is a…
Movie Review – Soul (Pixar and Disney get it right, again)
Soul is one of those films where you see a still or a short clip and you think “Aha! A children’s film; something to keep the little crotch goblins quiet for a bit.” Then you notice the Disney and Pixar names plastered all over it and, that’s it… it’s a kid’s film. But then something starts…
Rewatch Review – The Nightmare Before Christmas
Full disclosure… I am a big Tim Burton fan. I’ve seen and enjoyed all of his films. Yes… even his Planet Of The Apes! And the thing is that you tend to think of him as a live action director, albeit with an eye for the more cartoonish aspects of life. So, is that why he…