Category: Entertainment News
Iconic Cars From Movies – Walmart Crafts A Winning Superbowl Commercial
It’s crazy, but the Superbowl commercial of the day goes to….Walmart. Walmart! I know! Whodathunk? I need to make some screen captures, but you can do for now with the below video of the all-out effort made to include beloved, iconic, and a few harder-to-spot cool cars from many movies and TV shows, over many…
Russian Doll is the newest Netflix Addition to the Groundhog Day Loop Theme – and it looks GREAT
RunPeep Shani pointed out that Russian Doll, a new Netflix show, has a Groundhog Day theme. From the trailers it looks like a funny cross between Happy Death Day (sequel coming Feb 14 this year), and the original Murray’s Groundhog Classic. I’m in! We think Shani Olgive will do a binge review series too…but…
Movie Review – How to Train Your Dragon 3 – The Hidden World – No Spoilers (A newbie’s initial review)
This stunning third Dragon movie needs to be seen if you like the series, or even if you’re new to the series but ‘grown-up’ enough to long for dragons to bind with and fly with in your own right. In other words, you don’t even need an excuse to drag a kid along to…
Golden Man’s Top Ten Films List for 2018
2018 has been an interesting year for movies. It’s the year superheroes inspired us and broke our hearts like never before. It’s a year where diversity was celebrated at the box office. It’s also a year devoid of the usual award bait: no war movies, no Holocaust dramas, and hardly any movies about royalty. (Sadly,…
Quiz – Oscar Winner Rachel Weisz & The Favorite
Rachel Weisz is one of the most beautiful women on the silver screen, and is up for a second Oscar this year with The Favorite. I made this quiz as a homage to this beauty. [quiz-cat id=”14941″] Thanks for stopping by; hope you enjoyed the quiz. Maybe you could pay homage to Rachel by sharing…
Everything is Awesome – Video and Lyrics to The Lego Movie Theme Song
Last Thursday, while I waited in my theater for “The Dog Movie” to start, I was thrilled to catch two cool trailers: one for a fresh new Men In Black sequel (with Chris Hemsworth!), and the newest Lego film, called, appropriately enough, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part. It also reminded me of that…
5 Differences between the Old and New Mary Poppins
The new Mary Poppins movie is out. (And now it’s streaming on Netflix!) Disney’s magical, musical nanny has returned to theaters after 54 years, five Oscars, a run on Broadway, and a Tony award. While the new movie keeps several staples of the original (the titular nanny, singing and dancing, a fun animated sequence, and…
A Real History – Mary Queen of Scots vs Queen Elizabeth I Timeline (And it’s NOT like we saw in the movies)
Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: did Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots ever meet face to face? No. No, they didn’t! And whose fault was that? The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Elizabeth. Take a look at the following timeline, and maybe you’ll see what I saw: Mary had…
Is A Dog’s Way Home a Sequel to A Dog’s Purpose?
Well, is it a sequel? Yes. And no. It’s also kind of a remake. I’ll get to that in a minute. A Dog’s Way Home and A Dog’s Purpose, both written by W. Bruce Cameron, are intended as the first two parts in a “shared universe” dog trilogy. This is slated to culminate in A Dog’s Journey later…
Highlights, Comments, and Acceptance Videos for the 76th Annual Golden Globes
The 76th Golden Globe Awards was a night full of surprises. Held by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the Globes are often an early predictor of the Oscars. In case you didn’t know, the Wikipedia describes exactly what a Golden Globe Award is about: The Golden Globe Awards are accolades bestowed by the 93 members of…