Tag: comedy
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Guardians Of The Galaxy?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Guardians Of The Galaxy. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – 22 Jump Street
I found a lot to love and a lot to dislike about this sequel. What’s to love? Well, it’s still really funny. There are some laugh out loud moments and then there are some throw your head back and cackle moments. Who doesn’t love that? On the flip side, there were some awkward moments that…
Movie Review – Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
Despite the fact that I hate myself for laughing at anything during a Will Ferrell movie, I was unable to contain myself — and a few times, at that. Most of Anchorman 2 was rather forgettable. The humor was embarrassing…or most of the time, just not funny. However, I loved the “last battle” scene. That…
Movie Review – Turbo – Faster & Funnier Than a Snail’s Pace
Turbo was a charming little movie about dreams and perseverance. There was lots of laughter from the children in the audience, and more than a few chuckles from the parents. The characters were cute and interesting. Samuel Jackson, as the voice of Whiplash, and Paul Giamatti, as the brother Chet, were outstanding. The plot was…
Movie review : ZombieLand
ZombieLand Buy the soundtrack for ZombieLand Purchase at iTunes Purchase at Amazon.com [ no spoilers ] Let me say first off, that this movie has a fantastic cameo appearance and it’s a big surprise. So try to see the movie before you run into some new previews that give away who the actor, or actress,…