Category: Studios and Franchises
Fantastic Flaw – Why Hasn’t There Been A Good F4 Film?
In many ways the Fantastic Four were the first, the one’s that paved the way for the rest, the ones that were genuinely groundbreaking. Back in 1961 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby got together and created a superhero team with a flawed humanity and other complex, yet naturalistic, characteristics. The Fantastic Four were born. I’m…
MCU Disney+ Review – Loki
I suppose that we should be looking at The Falcon And The Winter Soldier next but, given that one of the next big films due for release is Thor: Love And Thunder, then Loki seemed the obvious series to do next. Yes, I know that Dr Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness is due out…
Best of British Biographies – Benedict Cumberbatch
Prior to 2010 not many people had heard of Benedict Cumberbatch nor could they, probably, pick him out of a line up. That wasn’t due to lack of exposure; parts in seventeen TV shows, ten films, thirty radio programmes, and eighteen theatre plays gave him a decent amount of public attention but he was never…
You’re saying it wrong: The Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator
Of course, the wacky people in Britland can’t be bothered to say superhero actor Benedict Cumberbatch properly. It’s too much effort and a lot more fun to get it astoundingly, satisfyingly wrong. Cumberbatch — er, Cumberbund? — seems okay with this. Say his real name enough times and you start wondering what is correct,…
Movie Review – The Batman
The Batman has a few things to love, and a lot to like. There are hardly any disappointments. What I loved My impression is that in all of the Batman movies we’ve seen since Dark Knight we see mostly Bruce Wayne, and Batman fills in the action sequences. Batman is essentially Bruce Wayne’s alter-ego. That’s reversed in The Batman.…
Jack Reacher History – The Short And The Tall Of It
1997 saw the publication of The Killing Floor by Lee Child. It did quite well; it was nominated for five awards and won three. It started a series of twenty-six novels, so far, and around twenty novellas and short stories. To date, Lee Child has sold over a hundred million copies of his Jack…
Non-Christmas Christmas Movies – Riders Of Justice/Retfærdighedens Ryttere (2020)
Sometimes you review a film because it’s just being released. Another time you’ll review a film because it’s part of a season or a theme. And then there’ll be times when you want to review a film for other reasons. Riders Of Justice or Retfærdighedens Ryttere falls into the latter category. I have to admit…
Movie Review – The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021)
I don’t think there is anyone out there who is unaware of William Shakespeare. You might not have actually been to a theatre to see a production but, paradoxically, that isn’t the only place to see Shakespeare’s words being performed. I don’t think it’s over pushing the point to say that most people haven’t necessarily…
Holy bladder-bursters Batman, your new film is almost 3 hours long
The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson as Batman, is set to open in theaters on March 4th, 2020. Brace yourself, because the movie runtime is reported to be two hours and fifty-five minutes (175 min), with the last eight minutes being the credits. It’s currently unknown if there is an extra scene during, or after, the end…
Star-Wars: A Movie Journey from Primitive Technological Si-Fi to the Contemporary Genre
Image Credits The brainchild of George Lucas and perhaps one of his finest achievements, The Star Wars media franchise is a grand space opera of epic proportions. From its humble beginnings to larger-than-life influence, there is no doubt that the saga exerts an intense and overwhelming impact on pop culture. The films alone by themselves…