Category: Studios and Franchises
First View Movie Review – The Princess and the Frog
The Princess and the Frog is a suitably good and modern take on the “Princess” theme, with a jazzy little soundtrack and some true comedic moments. But is it moving? Inspiring? Maybe. Tiana, the Princess in question, is a good role model, with a solid work ethic. Which makes me think…Tiana has a job.…
Best Superhero Movies That Were Never Made
Todd Philips’ controversial new film Joker opens this week. It’s kind of amazing that a character piece with no connection to the DC Universe and no Batman in sight got the green light. Many other movies aren’t so lucky. Even movies with major talent attached to them. Here’s a look at some superhero movies that…
Movie Review – Tangled
I’m only 3/4 of the way through my first viewing of Tangled (yes, my 1st time) and I love it already so much I’m willing to give it an A+. Of course, they could screw it up during the climax and I’ll have to change my review, but so far I’m completely delighted. Tangled:…
All the Disney Princess “I Want” Songs In One Place
What is a Disney Princess wish-filled ” I Want” song? Notice how all the girls — and some of the guys, IE: Aladdin and Snow White’s Prince Charming — have a song full of exposition about their hopes and wishes? This was even parodied in Ralph Breaks The Internet in a genius scene where the…
Movie Review – Beauty and the Beast
Without any doubt, the 1991 animated Beauty & The Beast is considered among the best of the Disney Princess movies, or any of the the Disney films. It’s from the period known as The Disney Renaissance that started with The Little Mermaid, and ran through most of the 90s. (I think it concluded with…
Movie Review – The Little Mermaid
I am consumed by a move this weekend and will have to flesh this review out for real in bits and pieces. To start off, the 1989 original Disney animated classic The Little Mermaid is in the cinemas and you should absolutely catch it while you can. Take the entire family. The Danish version…
Movie Review – The Good Dinosaur (and The Pixar Theory)
Okay, yeah, this Pixar film was pretty, but not as pretty as Disney’s The Lion King, which it also managed to…ahem…totally rip off. It’s also very reminiscent of Dreamwork’s initial Toothless scenes in How to Train Your Dragon. It’s got some cute moments, and an interesting take on the feral dog boy. He’s a hoot,…
Easter Eggs in Aladdin and The Lion King
Who knew classic, straight-laced, non-Pixar, Original Flavor Disney would start using Easter Eggs? It’s possible they’ve been doing this all along and I haven’t noticed, but usually there’s not a whiff of cross-pollination between, say, Princess properties. No nods to Snow White in Sleeping Beauty, for example, even though both feature winsome lasses in comas…
Why Avatar Deserves to be the Number 1 Movie Over Avengers: Endgame
With Avengers: Endgame passing Avatar to become the highest grossing movie of all time, I’ve recently gotten into a lot of heated debates with my friends as to why I think Avatar is more deserving of #1. So I’m going to tell you — in a more calm manner than I do my friends —…
Was The Infinity War Snap random in who was dusted?
A thought occurred to me last night while watching a YouTube video about Thanos’ Snap: were the people who became dust selected at random? At first glance I always assumed so, but maybe not. I’m not a mathematician, and questions of probability can confound even professors of mathematics. I’ll lay out my reasoning and you…