Category: -genres
Marvel Phase 4 reset almost all of their release dates
In an alternate reality where that one bat in Wuhan China zigged left instead of right, we’d be going to see the new Black Widow movie on May 1st, 2020. Alas, that’s not how things turned out. In this reality, where everything has been turned inside out, we’ll have to wait until November 6th of…
Contagion Cast Creates CoVid-19 PSAs
Question: What do Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishburne, and Kate Winslet have in common with the CoVid-19 global crisis? Answer: They’re the stars of 2011’s eerily prophetic viral pandemic movie Contagion. The actors made short video PSAs about preventing the spread of the deadly coronavirus that’s infecting millions of people world-wide right now. Co-stars Jennifer Ehle…
Does Contagion have an Extra Scene: A Chilling End Note
Contagion. It’s a scary and oddly prescient movie during our current world-wide Coronavirus crisis, where the deaths today reached 61,144, and the cases are at 1,139,112. (As stated by the live tracking site WorldOMeter.) We always report if there are extra scenes in the movies we see for RunPee, and recently made Peetimes for the…
Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipes
Stores out of hand gel or Clorox wipes? Never fear — here are inexpensive solutions to help decontaminate your hands and any items you bring into your home. In my Hosting a Home Movie Night in Quarantine article, I promised a few easy and inexpensive decontamination recipes if your stores are out of sanitizing hand…
How to Host a Movie Night in Quarantine
Like in the movie ZombieLand, the streets are empty (excepting potential plague carriers), and movie theaters are long since closed. Closed, shuttered, empty — with no opening dates in sight. We still have Netflix, DVDs, Blu-Ray, and many, many streaming platforms for entertainment in Quarantine Land, for film nights to share with family and friends.…
RunPee Weekly Newsletter-April 1st, 2020
The app that tells you the best time to run and pee during a movie without missing the best scenes. More movie release date rescheduling due to CoVid-19 Read the article at RunPee News RunPee Family CoVid-19 update: Update about the RunPee Family and how we’re coping with the lockdown. (Pardon…
RunPee Family CoVid-19 update
Here at RunPee HQ in Asheville, North Carolina we (Dan, Vera, and RunPee Mom) are all doing well. We don’t have movies to go to so, we only need to leave the house about once every 10 days to refresh supplies. For the most part our daily routine hasn’t changed all that much. Vera and…
More movie release date rescheduling due to CoVid-19
As CoVid-19 infections continues to climb here in the USA, and around the world, the lockdown has been extended until at least the 1st of May. Movie studios are making plans accordingly. Warner Bros.’s optimistically rescheduled Wonder Woman 1984 for an August 14th, 2020 release. On the other hand Sony has abandoned all of their 2020…
Best Gambling Moments In James Bond Movies
in ActionSuper-suave spy James Bond is not just equipped with a license to kill; he also packs a pretty mean set of skills as a gambler, which is a character trait explored both in the original books and the movie franchise. There have been several iconic gambling moments across the 26 films released to date, so…
Movie Review – Ingrid Goes West
Ingrid Goes West could have taken the path of becoming a nasty, bloody horror flick. All the ingredients are there: a mentally disturbed antagonist (Ingrid), a somewhat naive protagonist (Taylor), a hapless boyfriend (Dan), and a whole gaggle of mean girls. Instead, we’re given a dark dramedy, full of raw emotion. This is not a…