Category: -genres
Movie Analysis: A Deeper Look at Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat… Need I Say More? Wow. I’ve gotta start off saying I thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting may not have been top notch. Cole specifically… But the storyline was decent. The nostalgia was there. The corny humor sprinkled throughout. The finishes and fatalities…it was all worthwhile. There are spoilers below. Proceed with caution… .…
Indie Movie Review – The Inheritance
I’ll be honest, The Inheritance left me more than somewhat confused. The story, such as it is, revolves around Sasha (Natalia Ryumina) and Peter (Nick Wittman), who are living in Chicago. Sasha hears her father has died and she inherited everything. Everything includes a rather spiffing house in the centre of Kyiv, capital of the Ukraine,…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Together Together?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Together Together. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Together Together
Together Together is undoubtedly my new favorite movie of the year. I actually felt rejuvenated and lighter when I walked out of the theater. It was fun, it was serious, it was exactly right. Ed Helms has been a favorite of mine since The Hangover. I thought he was perfect for that role, just like…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Mortal Kombat?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Mortal Kombat. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Mortal Kombat
I used to play MK back in the 90s, but haven’t played it since and haven’t kept up with the mythology built around it. My wife has never played the video game and was confused by the plot and asked many questions. I told her she was overthinking it. There’s good guys and bad guys…
Indie Movie Review – Crappy Mother’s Day
You only need to see the title – Crappy Mother’s Day – and you know that this film is aiming at being a comedy. Now I’ve spent in excess of six decades on this planet and know that, just because a film or TV programme describes itself as a comedy, that is no guarantee of there being…
Indie Movie Review – Sacrilege
Sacrilege is one of those films which could have been a reasonable way to kill an hour and a half, in the tradition of the old Hammer horror films, which I remember fondly from sitting up with my father until all transmissions shut down… usually between half eleven and twelve. We’d sit in the front…