Category: Documentary
Documentary Review – Still: A Michael J Fox Movie
I’ll be honest, prior to Back To The Future, I hadn’t heard of him. I guess that I was on the wrong side of the Atlantic to catch any of the numerous TV appearances that he had made from 1978 onwards. Furthermore, I’ll be even more brutally honest and say that, apart from the other…
Indie Documentary Review – Back To The Drive-In
The only experience of drive-in cinemas that I’ve ever has been seeing them on American films and TV shows and one time talking to Jill about when she took her niece to see Palm Springs at one. To be honest, drive-ins were in the same category as homecoming, downtown, and yellow buses and taxis…things which…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Jackass Forever?
There are extras during the end credits of Jackass Forever. During the entire runtime of the credits they show extra scenes and outtakes. At my AMC Theater after the credits were completely over, they showed a group discussion/interview with the entire cast. It was almost 10 minutes long. The credits run for approximately 9 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read…
Movie Review – Jackass Forever
Dear Lord, I didn’t know I could laugh so hard. From the opening scene to the end credits I laughed, then laughed more. They pulled all the stops in Jackass Forever. I’m giving this an A for sure. They had one goal in mind and that was to make us go ouch and laugh and…
Documentary Review – The Beatles: Get Back
The Beatles: Get Back is, quite simply, the edited highlights of The Beatles rehearsing for a new project centred on their latest album. After a disastrous tour of the Far East in 1966 and the infamous “we’re bigger than Jesus” kerfuffle they decided to give up touring and performing live. This leads to them developing…
Christmas Documentary Review – ’Twas The Fight Before Christmas (2021)
’Twas The Fight Before Christmas (2021) from Apple TV+ is another of those films that emphasises the difference between the USA and the UK. Over here we’re only vaguely religious in the main. By that I mean that when you go into hospital they always ask your religion. The majority will say C of E…
Indie Documentary Review: Smoke And Mirrors – The Story Of Tom Savini
Lucky me! Two documentaries in one day. This one is about a guy who is, apparently a horror effects wizard. I assumed that I wouldn’t have a clue who he was what with me not being the big horror fan. Imagine my surprise then when I saw the first few seconds and thought “oh… it’s him!”…
Indie Documentary Review – I’m An Electric Lampshade
My word…this makes a change! Normally I spend the first couple of paragraphs bitching on about how this film is not the genre I usually like, or that film is aimed at a totally different demographic to the one I inhabit, and then go on to use that as my reason for not liking it…
Indie Documentary Review – Last Call: The Shutdown Of NYC Bars
We all know about COVID-19. We’ve all been affected by it one way or another. Similarly, everybody has a viewpoint ranging from those informed by science and history to the bizarre and delusional. My own viewpoint was one of enforced isolation as, due to pre-existing medical conditions, I was recommended to isolate from, pretty much,…