Category: Documentary
Independent Documentary Review – Ship Of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries
What can I say…I love documentaries and I love films. So when I was offered a documentary about a film I jumped at it! Especially when the film in question is a genuine record breaker. The first film to make over a billion dollars, winner of 11 Oscars out of 14 nominations, and top of…
Independent Documentary Review – Like Tears In Rain
Ah…coincidence. A few days ago I saw a T-shirt which featured a graphic of a man with his head lowered in a torrential rain storm. Under the graphic is the simple phrase Like Tears In Rain. The image is made up mainly of white diagonal lines on a black background. Despite this, it is obvious…
Independent Documentary Review – Immediate Family
I do like a documentary. I also like music. So you can imagine how much I enjoy a music documentary. Obviously I don’t like every type of music but I do have quite catholic tastes. One documentary that I particularly liked was 2008’s The Wrecking Crew! which, due to arguments over the music rights, wasn’t…
Independent Documentary Review – Super Seniors
Films are meant to alter your mood. Comedies make you feel amused, horrors make you unsettled, action films get your adrenaline running, and family films give you a warm fuzzy feeling. Occasionally though, there are films that you know are meant to get you feeling all warm and fuzzy but somehow manage to make you…
RunPee Documentary Hub
I’ve never hidden the fact that I enjoy a documentary. Maybe it is due to being a former college lecturer that means I enjoy entertainment that teaches me stuff. I’ll watch most of them but really, really enjoy ones that have some sort of resonance for me; ones set in an area I know, ones…
Indie Documentary Review – Tramps!
It often happens that you see something and it dawns on you that Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness wasn’t so unusual after all. One of the first articles I wrote for RunPee was a documentary about a skateboard park and the people who were still using it forty years after it was built.…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of After Death?
There is an extra scene during, or after, the end credits of After Death. In some theaters, there is an extra at the very end of the credits that runs for 2 1/2 minutes. The credits run for approximately 6 minutes. We have 2 Peetimes for After Death. Learn more About The Peetimes I’ve never done Peetimes…
Documentary Review – After Death
Writing a review on a documentary is way different than writing one for a movie. I think the way I’ll sum it up is if you are interested in what happens after you die, or more to the point, a near-death experience, check out this production. It delves deeply into the unknown. There are a…
Documentary Review – The Pigeon Tunnel
There is a more than somewhat axiomatic saying dished out to aspiring writers…“Write what you know.” This can be good advice. If you wish to write a series about that misadventures of a group of teachers then it is a definite bonus to have spent some time working as a teacher. If you are writing…
Documentary Review – Squaring The Circle
I suppose you have to be of a certain type. You have to be of a certain age, a certain background, and have certain tastes. I saw that there was a showing of a documentary called Squaring The Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis) and immediately thought “Oooh…that sounds interesting!” I mentioned it to my long…