Category: Entertainment News
The 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2020
From long-awaited sequels to stories so fresh they’re already blowing our minds, 2020 is shaping up to be another stellar year for movies. But though plenty of beloved franchises are continuing on, the lack of Star Wars movies, direct Avengers sequels, or Harry Potter installments makes the year feel like a bit of a pause,…
Is Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey a Sequel, Soft Reboot, or a Standalone Movie?
Margot Robbie reprises her standout role from Suicide Squad as Harley Quinn, epic psychotic ex-lover of the Joker. But is this a continuation of 2016’s Suicide Squad, or a soft reboot of the popular character with the same actress? How will this fit into the upcoming Suicide Squad 2, helmed by the beloved James Gunn?…
A Real Conversation with my Passive-Aggressive Alexa
A conversation I had with my Amazon Alexa device today proves computers can have hurt feelings and a passive-aggressive nature. Follow this dialog… And no, I’m not making any of it up: Me: Alexa, play All the Stars from Black Panther. Alexa: I cannot play All the Stars unless you purchase — Me: [Cutting off…
The Most Anticipated Science Fiction & Fantasy Shows of 2020
In a post-Endgame, post-Star Wars Saga world, I have a hole in my soul where movie anticipation used to live. I had a lot of anticipation in 2019 for the new Terminator film, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Men in Black International, Zombieland 2, and Jumanji 3. All let me down in some way. They weren’t fails…
What are the First Three Minutes (a Running Late Feature) in the RunPee App?
One of the lesser-known but most uniquely useful features of the RunPee movie app is the 1st 3 Minutes (aka the Running Late Feature) explanation of each wide release movie we see while getting Peetimes. And seriously, we see 150+ films a year for the app, so if you’re worried about missing the beginning of…
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker in 4D
Somehow at the 2019 San Diego Comic Con I scored a free Regal Cinemas 4D movie ticket, handed to me by Dan Fogelberg — Jacob Kowalski himself — from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I decided the best possible use of this golden ticket was a 4D showing of Rise of Skywalker, the…
The Trouble With Doctor Dolittle
Dolittle is Robert Downey Jr.’s first movie to be released after his triumphant turn as Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame. (C’mon, Academy. Don’t let me down. Nominate him!) Unfortunately, the trailer looks less than stellar. In fact, Hollywood doesn’t have the best record when it comes to adaptations of Hugh Lofting’s children’s book character who…
Two Must See Science Fiction Spoof Film Documentaries (plus: the most ‘inconceivable’ parody of a spoof)
It’s hard to make a decent movie spoof for a beloved franchise, and being in the science fiction genre doesn’t make things any easier. The producers have to sell a fresh plot, quality special effects, and sparkling humor, while somehow keeping the fan base happy. You have to honor — while riffing– the base material.…
2019 Peeple’s Poll Movies – Year in Review
Here’s a breakdown of the results from the Peeple’s Poll. Find out which movie was the highest rated, lowest rated, and everything in between. Plus some interesting numbers that only the Peeple’s Poll can provide: like which movie beat expectations by the widest margin.
Infographic of every Star Wars movie ranked by fans on IMDb and RottenTomatoes
Take a tour of this infographic showing how fans rated every movie in the Star Wars franchise on IMDb and RottenTomotoes.