Author: Rob Williams
Contact – Silver Anniversary Movie Rewatch
What links French philosopher Voltaire, The Return Of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, an ancient king of Assyria, and Captain Picard’s tea? The link is one of my favourite films. That film hits its 25th anniversary this summer; that film is Contact. One other thing before I get going, there may well be spoilers. All…
Ms Marvel on Disney+ — What You Need To Know
Marvel are opening more doors! They’ve taken another comic book character and created a new series around them. This time, though, the character is a teenaged Muslim girl, played by a first-time actor. Who Is Ms Marvel? Ms Marvel is the alter ego of Kamala Khan who worships Captain Marvel to the point of playing…
Best Of British Biographies – David Warner
in BiographyIt was quite sad to hear, today, of the death at the age of eighty of David Warner. To be honest, though, most people with only a passing interest in cinema might say “David who?” But it would only take a quick look at a photo of him in one of his many film roles…
Best of British Biographies – Tom Hiddleston
There’s an astronomical term known as the standard candle. This is an astronomical object that has a known absolute magnitude. By knowing this you can use it to compare with other objects and, therefore, work out how big and bright they are. For me, Tom Hiddleston is something of a standard candle in that we’re…
Best Of British Biographies – Karen Gillan
in BiographyElsewhere in this blog you will find me banging on about the talent coming out of the small but amazingly beautiful country of Wales. The thing is that something very similar can be said about Scotland…well, apart from the size that is. Scotland is nearly four times bigger than Wales and has nearly twice the…
RunPee Pixar Hub
What is it about Pixar? I mean, we all love cartoons. We’ve all loved them from the days before we knew they were actually cartoons and not just a different part of reality. Kids loving cartoons is a given. Then, when we get older, there are cartoons specially made for grown ups. And that’s when…
Rewatch Review – Toy Story 2
A couple of years later and along comes the inevitable sequel. But was Toy Story 2 so unavoidable? To be honest, there seemed to be some doubts amongst the powers that be at Disney. Initial plans were that Toy Story 2 was to be a straight to VHS release…it was the last millennium, after all,…
Rewatch Review – Toy Story 3
And so we come to the conclusion of the Toy Story saga…at least that was the plan at the time. Andy has grown up; he’s now seventeen and about to head to college. Obviously the toys are now accustomed to being neglected. The ones that remain are left in a cupboard but, with Andy’s imminent…
Rewatch Review – Toy Story
This is, ultimately, where it all began. Pixar’s first feature length computer animated film. I suppose a lot of people, nowadays, may wonder what all the fuss is about. Let’s be honest, as an animation, it was decades behind traditional techniques. I don’t want to make a big deal about it because Toy Story was…
The Jurassic Park Films
in HubAh, dinosaurs. What is it about them that’s so fascinating? There can’t be many kids that don’t find them enthralling. A quick count of my grandchildren shows a 100% hit rate. Admittedly, that’s quite a small sample but a quick look around most toy shops suggests to me that they wouldn’t carry so much dino-stuff…