Author: Everard Digby
Watch and Learn the World: The Best Movies for Students
in ListWatching movies can help students relax and learn about the world in an easy and comfortable way. But what are the best movies for young minds? Discover the list of the best movies about students of all times below. Before Choosing A Movie Watching movies and TV series might often appear to be very addictive.…
Motivational Movies for Teachers: How to Teach and Not Burn Out
in ListWe all rely on movies to lift our spirits and mood while giving us hope for the future. So, if you are on the verge of burning out, try one of these films to ease your mind. School of Rock (2003) Funny, kind of ridiculous, and definitely inspiring, School of Rock tells a story of…
How Movies Help Us Relax and Get Inspired
in essayMovies are often regarded simply as entertainment. Many consider it a good pastime and nothing more. However, numerous studies show that cinema can offer much more than just that. Sometimes it might be hard to find time to watch a movie. And one might feel like it is not even that important anyway. For example,…
How to Write a Film Analysis Essay?
in ListA film analysis essay writing is a type of academic task that professors may assign to find out what students think about the movie they have seen and to check their general understanding of the motion picture. In a nutshell, this essay is similar to a review. To do a deep and comprehensive analysis,…
Top 10 Best Cannabis Movies to Watch with Friends
in ListWhen it comes to entertaining, you have plenty of options. You can watch the game on TV, play games with friends, or maybe even go to dinner and catch a show in the town. However, sometimes you want to sit at home, have some snacks and drinks, and watch something that will not require additional…
Vaping Scene Show Up In The Hollywood’s Movies
in ListThe bond between smoking and Hollywood movies has grown with time. Rogue characters smoking a cigar or business proposals in smoke lounges – we can recall at least one movie with such a scene. With modern media, there is a more conscious depiction of smoking. And we have now progressed to e-cigs. Also, recent Hollywood…
Netflix Serials Which Show Student’s Life
in ListLearning creates curiosity in students to discover more. They can discover and learn a lot by watching a series about students’ lives. They learn how to socialize better, be in relationships, and learn education skills. Since 2013, Netflix has produced more than 1,500 titles. They include TV shows and movies, with some having more than 50…
5 Movies to Inspire Creative Writing
in ListWriting can be exciting and significant. However, you don’t always feel inspired to write. You are not the only one who sometimes has this feeling; even the best writers experience this. Most writers get stuck with a piece of writing, which can happen to any form of writing, be it creative writing, academic writing, e.t.c.…
The 5 Best College Movies to Watch
in ListWhether you are already in college or just a recent high school graduate, college movies can be a great way to stay in touch with campus life after graduation. Here are the 5 best movies for college students. The Waterboy An absolute classic, The Waterboy is a hilarious college movie that follows the story of…