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Category: Uncategorized

  • Movie Review – Uncle Drew

    Movie Review – Uncle Drew

    Uncle Drew was surprisingly charming. I was ready for a slapstick basketball movie but was surprised with a movie that has substance. There are a lot of touching moments that make you smile with warmth, and also moments that made the crowd slap their sides  — they were laughing that hard. It’s got a little…

  • Chewbacca Sings Silent Night (and it actually works)

    Chewbacca Sings Silent Night (and it actually works)

    Sometimes I just can’t help myself, and watch all kinds of dorky Star Wars fun from the endless free entertainment provided by the internet. And no, I don’t mean the abysmally received Star Wars Holiday Special. (Although you can find THAT on the internet too, if you have 98 minutes to kill watching something that…

  • Welcome to Jurassic Poll…

    Welcome to Jurassic Poll…

    Lots of Dinosaur action this week. I’m getting ready for my Jurassic World Double Feature on Thursday (all Thursdays are movie nights here at RunPee…) Here’s a poll of the state of dinosauria in Twitterland. Poll results will drop in when the time limit is up, but feel free to head to Twitter and add…

  • Tag – You’re It. Incredible Tag Movie Stats

    Tag – You’re It. Incredible Tag Movie Stats

    We spend a lot of time looking at the readership stats on our polls, ratings, and reviews. Last night I noticed that our ratings for the film Tag has a pretty wide movie spread, as shown in our polling statistics. [pullquote]What this means: a lot of people had a low opinion of Tag going in,…

  • Review: Jurassic Park Ride at Universal Studios

    Review: Jurassic Park Ride at Universal Studios

    I love dinosaurs. I was a dino geek before dinosaurs were cool, and to make me stand out even further, I was a “just a girl”. Girls who were geeks in the 70s were a rare breed. Fortunately, I was also a Klingon, so efforts to bully me landed on deaf ears. 🙂 [pullquote]Hell, I…

  • Movie Review – Tag

    Movie Review – Tag

    What a darn cute movie. I’m enchanted to learn Tag is based off a true story of some kids who decided never to grow up. The entire theater was PACKED at the first showing, and everyone in the theater not only knew a lot about the film going into it, but were very much into…

  • Jeremy Renner filmed Tag with Two Broken Arms

    Jeremy Renner filmed Tag with Two Broken Arms

    I really enjoyed viewing Tag last night, a movie about a group of grownup men who spend every year in May reliving their childhood game of tag. Even while living cross-county from each other, these guys keep it up and plan the rest of the year for new ways to create elaborate and sneaky tagging…

  • Jurassic Park Movie Rewatch at Bronto Brew Meadery

    Jurassic Park Movie Rewatch at Bronto Brew Meadery

    If you’re in San Diego and you can’t wait for Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom to come out (whoo hoo — next week!), then get your dino fix on at The Bronto Brew  Meadery for four free nights of sauropod fun. All four previous Jurassic movies will be presented in the meadery on their large…

  • 比正片梗还多的死侍2海报合集


    本月科幻电影可以说是高潮迭起。科幻迷们刚刚顶着剧透嗑完复仇者联盟,马上又迎来了全球星战外传汉索罗。这满足感,怎么说,可能刚刚够填补死侍2无缘大陆的空虚感吧。 虽然无缘正片,但是死侍2营销组的同学还是为我们带来了充满死侍幽默的系列海报。由于工作太出色,甚至收到了影迷们一致强烈要求的加薪应援。我们一张一张来,边看边解释: 1> “来自杀死了金刚狼的工作室” 这张海报是戏谑去年金刚狼系列最后一部《罗根》中,金刚狼领便当的结局。(如果你还不知道金刚狼系列已经领便当了,那应该也不会在意这剧透吧…)海报最上一行英文翻译过来就是“来自杀死了金刚狼的工作室”,也就是福克斯。X战警系列中的角色和漫威一直纠缠不清,其中种种在这里不详述,总之现在影院的死侍系列和X战警系列都是属于福克斯的,所以其实这是一个自嘲。另外瑞安·雷诺兹也一直很想让死侍和金刚狼出现在同一部电影里,这其实也是一个来自粉丝的呐喊。 当然这张海报里的玄机还不止这行字。首先一汪池水就不用多说,pool就是池子的意思。画面中央的死侍坐在一只充气天鹅身上,加之这是戏谑金刚狼之死,推测是暗喻“Swansong”,天鹅之歌,中文译为“绝唱”。 到这里,这张海报的梗还远没有结束。更多信息量需要结合这条官方Instagram一起来看: 官方发这张海报的时候写到:“我们所有人都在这儿了,甚至包括厨房水槽。” 先来看“所有人”,整个“X-Force”都在这儿了。角色名称中文翻译太扎心了,就不在这里重复了。但是大家注意到没,死侍左边一个漂浮的降落伞包。所以正片上映之前大家都猜到了,X-Force里面有一个隐形人的角色。至于这个隐形人是谁,看了电影之后,还真的小惊喜了一下,在这里就不剧透了。那么“厨房水槽”是什么梗?继续我们的英语小课堂……英语里有一句俚语是:“everything but the kitchen sink”。大致意思就是超乎想象,能想到的都有了。这张海报里用到了”everything and the kitchen sink”,比原句还厉害。所以海报里很字面地把厨房水槽放了上去,也是一个让北美人民们看到会心一笑的梗。 2>二度降临 这张海报不用太多解释,模仿米开朗基罗在西斯廷教堂“天花板”上的壁画《创造亚当》,来自圣经《创世纪》。还是把原画放上来直观感受一下: 这幅名画早已被一再解读,有兴趣可以自己搜来看。巧的是,这幅画在诺兰弟弟的剧《西部世界》里也出现过,就挂在CEO福特的办公室里。暗喻人类创造AI,如同上帝创造人类。 《西部世界》 有意思的是,画中上帝背景一直被解读如同一颗心脏,但自从人类在发明AI的道路上越走越远,这幅画被更多地用来类比人类和AI的关系之后,也有越来越多的解读认为上帝背景也可能是对人类大脑的描绘。 回到死侍海报,电索(Cable)背后一团像是离子云,也让粉丝们纷纷推测电索是不是穿越来的。 3>《The Goonies》Credit: Andy Fairhurst 这张海报是官方邀请粉丝画的,真的是让人笑出声来的同时,莫名很暖心(?)为什么呢?如果你看过《七宝奇谋》(《The Goonies》),应该还记得电索的扮演者乔什·布洛林(Josh Brolin)在其中扮演了小主角Mikey的哥哥Brand。其中有一段情节就是Brand骑着从小女孩那抢来的粉色小自行车(跟海报里的车一毛一样),被一辆跑车拖着走的情节。如果你没看过这片,推荐可以作为背景音放着看看。虽然是老片,但是编剧是斯皮尔伯格,放到现在看会有一种错时代的搞笑感。不仅可以看到青少年乔什·布洛林,Mikey的扮演者长大后还成为了《魔戒》系列里佛罗多最好的伙伴山姆哦。 言归正传,海报里的出租车明显就是印度小哥的车。这张海报致敬演员的老片子。可爱。真的是可爱。 4>《Flashdance》 恩,这个经典pose出自一部1983年的歌舞片《闪电舞》。主角是一个有着舞蹈梦的女孩。怎么说,姿势赢了。 5>感恩节系列 Norman-Rockwell 《Freedom from Want》-1943 上下一对比,大家来找茬。下面这幅画,也算是北美名画了,感恩节标志性画作之一。 死侍玩得也是很溜,感恩节和杂志《The Good Housekeeping》来了个跨界。封面就满满槽点,内页还有死侍的感恩节来信、死侍教你如何“切火鸡”等经典死侍幽默内容。 6>邀请粉丝版 上面《The Goonies》说到死侍官方邀请粉丝给死侍画的海报,还有其他4张如下: Credit: Patrick Brown Credit: Alice X. Zhang Credit: John Gallagher…

  • Avengers Polls – Surprising Results

    To get fans talking about all the awesome movies the Marvel Cinematic Universe created over the last ten years ([pullquote]Wow, think about that – a decade of superheros in one big over-arcing story[/pullquote]), I posted a series of Avengers based Twitter polls. The results are intriguing, and in some places, surprising! Take a look at…
