Category: Science Fiction
How I Came To Love Guardians Of The Galaxy
There are certain films that hook you from the very first time you see the poster, let alone the trailer, and there are those that you really struggle to see why they bothered. For me that spectrum ran from “Leon” (BIG fan of Luc Besson) down to “Dangerous Liaisons,” which I’ve sat in front of…
Comic Con 2020 is Cancelled
For the first time in 51 years, world premier event San Diego Comic Con is cancelled, due to the Viral Apocalypse. Last year I attended the 50th anniversary of the SD Comic Con, and things were in high swing. Just like it was when I attended the year before, and the year before that. I’m…
A Gift of Gunn: The Complete Awesome Mix is now Available
The Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix volumes are now complete! James Gunn’s entire list of Meredith Quill’s favorite songs are on a playlist everyone can listen to. It’s Gunn’s personal quarantine gift to the world. Fantasy website reports: “James Gunn is staying active on Instagram, giving shout-outs to his cast and crew, sharing pictures…
Disease Expert Breaks Down Pandemic Scenes From Film & TV
This is a great scene breakdown of pandemic movies by a CDC expert. What Brian Amman had to say about procedures and equipment was enlightening. I’ll bet this guy has been called up numerous times since making this video to act as a consultant. Brian hit on my personal pet peeve: viruses can’t turn someone…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Bloodshot?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Bloodshot. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Bloodshot
Nothing to see here. Move along. That pretty much sums up Bloodshot. There’s no point it seeing it unless you need your Vin Diesel fix, and you’re depressed that F9 has been pushed back to April 2021 due to CoVid19. Instead of braving the virus just to see this movie, then let me suggest binge…
Movie Review – The Invisible Man
There’s no question that Elisabeth Moss gets an A+ for her performance in this movie. The movie may be titled The Invisible Man, but it was all about the Invisible Man’s wife — Cecilia. Elisabeth Moss is in almost every single scene of the movie; plus, she’s the only actor in many of those scenes.…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of The Invisible Man?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of The Invisible Man. View details and movie information…
SKYWATCH — a Sci-Fi Short on YouTube starring Jude Law
SKYWATCH is a well-made SciFi short video created by young filmmaker Colin Levy. Best of all, he pulled off the impossible: getting A-list actor Jude Law to star in his video. If you’re a fan of SciFi shorts, or Jude Law, I highly recommend watching the short. Then watch the behind-the-scenes video Colin made about…