Category: -genres
Movie Review – The Post
Tom Hanks is the man. Streep does her usual good job, but basically she’s playing a nicer version of her Miranda Priestly role from The Devil Wears Prada. Hanks is really the standout actor in this, and it’s not easy to upstage Streep! He’s settling nicely into his older roles, and in The Post he…
Movie Review – The Commuter
It’s strange: I did really enjoy this movie while watching it, and felt entertained immediately afterwards. But by the time I got home, the good stuff was already fading, and I was left with a lot of improbable plotting and endless images of Liam Neeson walking up and down train cars, having uninteresting and random…
Movie Rewatch – Jurassic Park
It’s been a long time since the first Jurassic Park graced our theaters, but it’s still the best. The CGI effects have vastly improved since 1993, but the story is what matters most — and the original still brings back the happy tears and goosebumps I felt back then, seeing beloved dinosaurs come to life.…
Movie Review – I, Tonya
This movie surprised me: I teared up and cried a little for Tonya Harding. She’s been known as an Olympic villain for so long…and here we see that she may have been unfairly painted by history. If this story is an accurate representation, then I feel bad for believing the worst of this girl. I…
Movie Review – Star Wars – A New Hope
*A New Hope* runs very closely to the number one spot that *Empire Strikes Back* occupies in the SW oeuvre — clipping its heels, as it were. It started the whole mythology and adventure in a well told opening story. It’s almost perfect. But the “official” name, *A New Hope,* is just lame. This movie…
Movie Review – Spider-Man Homecoming
Definitely one of the better Avenger movies, and I would say it’s easily the best *Spider-Man* of the bunch. This is a much lighter film than its predecessors. There was laughter throughout the movie, with a few really hilarious moments. The acting was superb. Tom Holland, as the Spider-Man, was delightful. Michael Keaton (Vulture) brought…
Movie Review – Molly’s Game
80% from Rotten Tomatoes says it all. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, ‘I’d really like to learn to play poker, but there’s no one to teach me’…then just watch this movie: it’s a two hour tutorial on how to play, and how not to try earning a living from this volatile game. I’ve been…
Movie Rewatch Review — Titanic
Is there any movie more touching and exciting than Titanic? And the first time you watch it, it’s completely unexpected. I didn’t even want to see this in the theater, and resisted for months. Fool that I am, I figured, “Yeah, it sinks. I know what happens. Why see it? I was never so glad…
Movie Review – The Terminator
The Terminator is one of the truly perfect films in the science fiction genre. Sure, there are temporal paradox/causality loop issues, but you have to handwave that and go along with the premise. And why not? If you’re going to tell a time travel story about what happens when the singularity occurs — and it…
Movie Review – The Greatest Showman
The Greatest Showman is a jolly good movie for the whole family during this Christmas season. The songs were awesome, and that comes as no surprise since the music was done by the same team that gave us La La Land. I think the sound track is going to end up in a lot of…