Category: -genres
Movie ReWatch Review – RED
To start with, the title RED in this film is an acronym for Retired, Extremely Dangerous. As retirees, we see these characters don’t have much of a life anymore. That’s the set-up, starting with Bruce Willis’ Frank Moses, lost in an empty house devoid of personal decor. I can see where it would be tough…
Best Rock, Pop Songs in Non-Musical Movies
in Action, Blockbuster, Caper/Heist, Classic Movie List, Day Killer, DC, Dystopian, Geek stuff, Humor, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel not MCU, Movie Opinions and Lists, Music, Satire, Science Fiction, Sequels and Prequels, Soundtracks and Movie Music, Star Trek, Superheroes, Uncategorized, ZombiesIf you love movies, you’re probably an aficionado of films using rock or pop hits in their stories as well. You can put this mental connection to good use if you run playlists on Alexa/Google Home/cell phone/whatever, loading it up to play songs evoking your favorite films. Use the lists all day long, to wake…
Movie Rewatch Review – Deadpool
What is it about popular films on TV and their commercials? It seems the more beloved the film, the greater the number of ads. Watching Deadpool with my mother last night, the commercials came hot and heavy every few minutes — I’m positive at least 45 minutes of runtime were aggressively selling something. As opposed…
Once More, with Ant Man. Why him, and why now?
With Ant Man & The Wasp now released on DVD and Blu-Ray, people are struck again with how this movie might tie in with the greater Marvel oeuvre, and wonder anew why the light-weight Ant Man 2 arrived so closely after the heavy ending of Infinity War. — Spoilers ahead for Avengers Infinity War and…
Avengers 4 Trailer Hints and Rumors
Several people online are reporting in with seeing the as-yet untitled Avengers 4 trailer, which is expected to drop by mid-November. Here’s the link to the extended observations of the Avengers 4 trailer, possibly titled Avengers: Annihilation. The notes are detailed and sound authentic enough, given the final events of Avengers: Infinity War. Keep in mind some people believe…
I have a bad feeling about this… Who said it in Star Wars and When?
In the far away and long ago galaxy of Star Wars, everyone’s a prophet. Who hasn’t said they have a bad feeling about something? Well, except that one time Han said he had a good feeling. It’s the franchise’s longest-running gag, at least through the 10th film of Solo, A Star Wars Story. Updated now…
Review of The Deadpool Before Christmas – A PG-13 Version – New Footage, New Film
Santa Claus has a super duper maxi big treat for us this Christmas, with an almost-new Deadpool 2 arriving in theaters on December 21. Ryan Reynolds is back in the red suit, just like Santa, re-shooting 15 minutes of original footage, dubbing creatively subversive, yet clean lines for the “new” film — even adding a…
Movie Rewatch Review – Solo (A Star Wars Story)
I don’t know why so many Star Wars fans have a problem with Solo. All I can think of is that it was released too close to The Last Jedi, which really incited the fan base. Otherwise, I can’t imagine why this excellent film was panned. I loved it, and I’m not sure yet where…
Movie Review – Suspiria
As Suspiria ended, for the first time in my career, I didn’t have a clue as to what I had just seen. Fortunately, there was a very pleasant young man seated near me who helped shed some light on this confusing piece of work. He referred back to the original, telling me that this movie…
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – Live, in Concert
I love attending movie showings at venues that set a live orchestra to movie soundtracks. I’ve attended a few of the Harry Potter ones, most recently Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (one of the best Harry Potter films. IMO). On August 5th of 2018, I got to enjoy the San Diego Symphony Orchestra…