Category: -genres
Dances with Gophers – Video & Lyrics to I’m Alright from Caddyshack
People have been asking about my morning playlist, and Kenny Loggins’ I’m Alright from the 1980 classic Caddyshack is one of the few songs that helps me wake up and feel ready to strap on another day. As my job and life centers around movies, my playlists tend to reflect the kind of songs that perfectly…
Quiz – Keanu Reeves And His Many Characters
This quiz covers the many characters played by Keanu Reeves, in 10 questions. Some answers are obvious, and some may leave you scratching your head. Good Luck! [quiz-cat id=”13142″] If you enjoyed this quiz, please share it with others on your social media of choice; this helps the RunPee Family a lot. Thanks for stopping…
Movie Review – On the Basis of Sex
I’m a little overwhelmed by this absolutely breathtaking movie, and I don’t normally go for the historical dramas. Viewing On The Basis Of Sex I smiled, I cried, I cheered, and was honestly surprised at how great an experience this was. I’m shocked it’s still in limited release at this point. I expect it will…
Movie Review – Escape Room – Surprisingly Lively, Clever, and Fun
Escape Room is one of those simple little movies that caught me by surprise. I didn’t see any trailers for it, and it looked like a low-grade horror film from the poster. Not the genre I tend to enjoy; I didn’t have any expectations going in. Now I want to shout to everyone: SEE…
Quiz – Clint Eastwood – Actor, Director, Mayor, Musician
Clint Eastwood, the hardest working man in Hollywood, deserves more than just a 10 question quiz; however my boss believes that brevity is the spice of life. Enjoy! [quiz-cat id=”12492″] 88 years old and he still makes the ladies of the audience swoon. Quiz – How well do you know Clint Eastwood’s career? Movie…
Quiz – Political Career of Dick Cheney
How much do you really want to know about Vice President Dick Cheney? Try my quiz and maybe find out something new about the CEO of Halliburton. [quiz-cat id=”12566″] Thanks to all the Republicans who took this quiz, and to all the Democrats who just wanted to see Christian Bale. 🙂 Quiz – Amy Adams –…
Greet the Morning with Groot – Mr. Blue Sky Video and Lyrics
One of the most memorable scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the opening credits, as the adorable Baby Groot dances to ELO’s hit song “Mr. Blue Sky.” What makes this scene so engaging is Groot’s complete obliviousness to his team mates-slash-parents’ danger as they fight a seriously deranged space monster. The Guardians…
Quiz – Test Your Knowledge of Elton John Songs
You don’t have to be an Elton John devotee to do well on this quiz. I’ve chosen songs that did well on the charts and you’ve maybe heard a dozen times, or a dozen of dozens. Enjoy![quiz-cat id=”11951″] With the Rocketman Elton John movie coming out, we’re excited to have a quiz for this unusual…
Quiz – Zombieland
Who doesn’t love this classic zom-rom-com film with an ideal cast, a perfect cameo, and massive zombie shootouts? This one keeps me laughing, over and over again![quiz-cat id=”11519″] Do you recall some of mottoes to live by in Zombieland?
Ring in the New Year With Harry and Sally
I know there’s more than one movie associated with New Year’s Eve besides When Harry Met Sally, but at the moment I can’t think of anything better. And on a re-watch, it still stands up beautifully through time. Ever meet someone you can’t stand at one point in your life, but grow on you through…