Category: -genres
Movie Review – The Goldfinch
Disclaimer; I did not read the 800+ page Pulitzer Prize winning novel. I should have. Not having read the book, I don’t know how closely the movie followed it, but I did read an article that director John Crowley took great pains to remain faithful to the book. Plus, the audience score on Rotten…
Movie Review – Downton Abbey
At the premier, everyone in the audience clearly enjoyed themselves. A lot. People laughed so much I could barely get Peetimes. And the entire room was so sold out that I had to sit in the very front row, on the edge. All this is to say I need to see the film again. The…
Movie Review – Hustlers
I’m giving this movie an A for sure. I loved it. Watching these women do their thing was so much fun that I forgot I was working. All of the sudden a little thought popped into my head like, “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be watching for Peetimes?” So yeah, what they were doing was…
Video – Opening Scene to La La Land (that amazing traffic jam dance)
It’s no secret I’m not a big fan of La La Land (as in, the movie. The city of Los Angeles is fine.) Mostly I think La La Land is a bit silly and overly sentimental. It won a lot of awards, but I just didn’t love it. (Thankfully, I didn’t have to do the…
Rewatch Review – Dave (1993) … And A Few Notes about Post Scarcity & Star Trek
We should be so lucky to have a real life scenario where Dave, the movie, happens. I was delighted to re-catch the 1993 film last night… and finished off with a real smile on my face. Plus a positive attitude, and a lot of wish fulfillment. Watching again this was a great time and help…
Movie Review – The Little Mermaid
I am consumed by a move this weekend and will have to flesh this review out for real in bits and pieces. To start off, the 1989 original Disney animated classic The Little Mermaid is in the cinemas and you should absolutely catch it while you can. Take the entire family. The Danish version…
Movie Review – It Chapter Two
I’ve got so much to say about It Chapter Two, I’m not usually one for long reviews, but this one calls for it. Here we go… Let’s start off on a positive note. The beginning absolutely captivated me. I loved how each of the Losers were contacted and asked to come back to Derry.…
Who is Who in IT – Chapter 2
IT: Chapter 2 opens this week, promising bigger scares and more blood than the first part. (Is that even possible?) If you’re like me, you haven’t visited these Stephen King characters since the first IT movie came out two years ago. IMPORTANT: IT Chapter 2 is almost 3 hours long…you’re going to need to know…
Movie Review – The Good Dinosaur (and The Pixar Theory)
Okay, yeah, this Pixar film was pretty, but not as pretty as Disney’s The Lion King, which it also managed to…ahem…totally rip off. It’s also very reminiscent of Dreamwork’s initial Toothless scenes in How to Train Your Dragon. It’s got some cute moments, and an interesting take on the feral dog boy. He’s a hoot,…
Movie Review – The Matrix
After reading RunPee Dan’s amazing retrospective on “The Matrix After 20 Years“, I’m a little intimidated to try and pen my own review. He’s RunPee’s resident Matrix EXPERT. And I don’t say that lightly. Uber. Fan. I especially get nervous trying to do justice to classic A+ level films. But I do have a…