Category: -genres
A Real Conversation with my Passive-Aggressive Alexa
A conversation I had with my Amazon Alexa device today proves computers can have hurt feelings and a passive-aggressive nature. Follow this dialog… And no, I’m not making any of it up: Me: Alexa, play All the Stars from Black Panther. Alexa: I cannot play All the Stars unless you purchase — Me: [Cutting off…
First View Movie Review: Star Wars – the Battle for Endor
Because I’m a crazy geek and want to understand all the canon Star Wars material out there, I decided to view all the ‘extra’ shows and movies Lucasfilm created, some of which may or may not be part of the larger narrative. Have you seen The Mandalorian yet? It’s amazing. Have you seen The Star…
The Most Anticipated Science Fiction & Fantasy Shows of 2020
In a post-Endgame, post-Star Wars Saga world, I have a hole in my soul where movie anticipation used to live. I had a lot of anticipation in 2019 for the new Terminator film, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Men in Black International, Zombieland 2, and Jumanji 3. All let me down in some way. They weren’t fails…
Movie Review – Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life was awesome. I had so much fun watching this movie that I forgot I was working. With 17 years passing since the last Bad Boys, I wondered if they’d still have their great chemistry. They certainly do. Smith and Lawrence were both great. Again. Looking back and seeing these guys…
First View Movie Review – Hitch
Will Smith stars in what I assumed would be a kind of ‘how-to dating primer’ for men. Isn’t that the premise? To take a man, any man, and show him how to use his natural personality to compete in today’s high stakes digital dating world, and get his confidence strong enough to get the girl.…
Movie Review – DoLittle
Charming, I think, is the best word to describe this movie. But, make no mistake, this is a movie made to appeal to young children. The plot is simplistic and the action cartoonish. You should rethink seeing this movie if you’re only in it for more Iron Man, but with a British accent. In truth,…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Bad Boys for Life?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Bad Boys for Life. View details and movie information…
Unfaithful Horror Movie Adaptations
Horror movie The Turning opens January 24. Aware moviegoers may notice the connection to the Henry James novel The Turn of the Screw. However, aside from a basic premise (a nanny is terrorized by her two charges), the film has little to do with the book it’s based on. This often happens in Hollywood. Here’s…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of The Gentlemen?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of The Gentlemen. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – The Gentlemen
Guy Ritchie returns to where it all started: the Brit Gangster flick. Albeit, this time with an American lead. I don’t know if Matthew McConaughey was first choice for the lead but, to my mind, he fits it well as the trailer trash Texan who made it to the upper echelons of English society via…