Category: Documentary
Best Movies to Watch Over President’s Day Weekend
Presidents Day Weekend! Time to get presidential and enjoy some flicks worthy of this American holiday. We’ve got movies listed here that are historical, comical, romantic, sci-fi-esque, or even just totally wacky — there’s something for everyone. Not in any particular order, here are the greatest movies to get you into the presidential spirit of…
Highlights from the 2019 Sundance Film Festival
This year’s Sundance Film Festival recently concluded. [pullquote]The celebration of independent cinema has been going strong for 41 years[/pullquote]. Even though the Oscars for 2019 haven’t been handed out yet, the Oscar race for 2020 has officially begun. Past Oscar nominees and winners Little Miss Sunshine, Manchester By the Sea, and The Big Sick, among…
Movie Review – They Shall Not Grow Old
Watching They Shall Not Grow Old was an experience unlike any I’ve had before. Knowing all these fresh-faced boys, who were initially so excited about going off to war were about to die: that was hard. Unlike most movies when the director yells ‘it’s a wrap,’ the actors go on to another movie: in…
A Real History – Mary Queen of Scots vs Queen Elizabeth I Timeline (And it’s NOT like we saw in the movies)
Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: did Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots ever meet face to face? No. No, they didn’t! And whose fault was that? The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Elizabeth. Take a look at the following timeline, and maybe you’ll see what I saw: Mary had…
On The Basis Of Sex – What Was True and What Was Fiction?
As most moviegoers know, Hollywood loves to take an historical event and turn it into a parody of itself. Inasmuch as I loved the movie Braveheart, Mel must have not read many books about William Wallace. Timelines were rearranged to fit the script…which is sad, because the actual timeline was such a big part of the…
Making Models – the Jenny Haniver Airship from Mortal Engines
Mortal Engines has the best models and miniatures I’ve seen in a movie outside of the original Star Wars movies and the Lord of the Rings. This should come as no surprise, since Mortal Engines came from WETA Workshop, the same crew who designed The Lord of the Rings. Remember all those rolling cities…
Can Dune be done? Should Dune be done? Bringing Long Books to the Screen
Until the last generation, when Peter Jackson proved The Lord of the Rings could not only be made into a successful film — but be so off-the-charts good that it took home 11 Oscar Awards — it was unheard of to succeed at translating most of the great sci-fi and fantasy epics of literature to…
Virgin Movie Review – Sully
Let’s just open with this axiom: Tom Hanks can do no wrong. Done. That’s not much of a review, is it? Starting again: I just watched Sully last night for the first time. Somehow, I never heard about “The Miracle on the Hudson.” I shy away from the news, because “news” usually equals “bad news”…
Movie Review – Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen Will Rock You
Tears — check. Racing heart — check. Goose pimples — check. Foot stomping good fun — check. A deeper appreciation for a beloved musician and band — double check. I love Queen’s music; always have, but I’ll be honest: I knew nothing about the band members and their story, and I’m glad I didn’t, because it made this…
Through the Wormhole – Are We All Bigots?
Morgan Freeman has a Science Channel series called Through the Wormhole. I highly recommend the series for those interested in learning about a broad range of topics from is the universe a simulation to is privacy dead. One of my favorite episodes is about the nature of racism: Are We All Bigots? In this episode Freeman…