Category: Studios and Franchises
The Giant James Bond Rewatch – Dr. No (1962)
Looking back, it’s almost impossible to imagine that Albert R Broccoli and Harry Saltzman didn’t know that, with Dr. No, they were establishing a film franchise to become the second longest-running in the world. At fifty-nine years the only thing that’s outlasted it is Godzilla, which began in 1954 and is still going. When you…
James Bond Rewatch – You Only Live Twice (1967)
The fifth entry in the Bond series is an unexpected surprise. For me, this is the sleeper hit of the series so far. It’s a movie you never hear people talk about it, yet it’s a lot of fun. This was a lot more entertaining to me than Thunderball. Bond goes to Japan this time…
James Bond Rewatch – Live and Let Die (1973)
Roger Moore is my favorite James Bond, and Live & Let Die is my favorite Bond film. Do you remember your 1st Bond film in the theater? (Mine was 1979’s Moonraker, which has SPACE in it, and thus I loved it.) So it’s natural that Moore was ‘my’ Bond. Moore also did the most Bond…
Movie Review – Cruella
Let me start by apologizing for not being able to do Peetimes on the opening night, cause I got sick in the theater. Dan and I went back and watched it together the next day, and we both agreed this movie is hard to do Peetimes for. While the movie is longish, it’s tight. There…
Is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier the worst Trek movie?
TL;DR — I remembered The Final Frontier as terrible back in 1989 (and the plot/climax really is), but to my surprise it has a lot of lovely moments, decent humor, and good characterizations between the Big Three. It had its heart in the right place. The actors went all in, and the topic itself, if…
Star Wars Recipes – How to make Yoda’s Dagobah Stew
Dagobah stew! Breakfast of champions and Jedi Masters. Yoda’s apparently nasty-tasting stew is featured in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. We don’t actually know what Yoda had in his stew, based on the scene where he encourages Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker to eat. One can guess there were lots of slimy creatures in…
Primer for Guardians of the Galaxy
There are some spoilers here, but this is intended as a primer for the first 30 minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 1, that can at times be a little confusing. First, you need to have seen the after credit scene for Thor 2: The Dark World. That’s where Sif and Volstagg – members…
Movie Franchise Rewatch – Star Trek IX: Insurrection
Insurrection is one of those movies that you kind of forget about after seeing, which explains my inability to get this review out on time. It’s very…lightweight. To its credit, it feels like a middle of the road Star Trek: The Next Generation episode. I say credit, because a middle of the road TNG ep…