Category: Science Fiction
Is Deadpool in the Avengers’ Universe?
It’s established that Deadpool swims in his own little eddy in the great Marvel River. Marvel is a pretty big entertainment property, spanning The X-Men (including Deadpool as their R-rated step-child), the MCU, the comics, and a whole host of related TV shows falling under the franchise’s umbrella. It’s not a free-for-all, though it seems…
Solo: A Star Wars Party in San Diego
Last night Solo: A Star Wars Story splashed across screens in the US, to much excitement and fanfare. Everyone loves Harrison Ford’s Han, so people were excited and curious to see a different actor’s take on the iconic character. [pullquote]Geek that I am, I looked around for a party full of fellow fans to share…
Star Wars at Disneyland
From May the 4th through the opening weekend for Solo: A Star Wars Story, Disneyland’s Tomorrowland has a makeover hailing from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. In other words, The Force has taken over. With Star Wars now a Disney property, Disney is the upcoming go-to place for immersive SW…
The 5 Movies You Need To Watch Before Infinity War
At this time, there are exactly 19 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ant Man & The Wasp is coming soon (to make an even 20) but that tale will probably be a self-contained story: a palette cleanser after the lingering after-effects of mighty number 19, the Avengers Infinity War. You probably already know Infinity War is…
Star Wars Last Shot – A Han and Lando Novel
With the arrival of Solo —the newest Star Wars Story set to splash on cinema screens — pretty much the entire galaxy is primed to learn more about Han Solo. Just how did he fall from expert Imperial pilot to a petty criminal in a seedy underworld? Lots of pre-canon material is out there in book…
New Solo Featurette: Becoming Solo
Han Solo is everyone’s favorite space rogue. Star Lord is kind of funnier, and might be almost as cool, but no one can top Han, or — at least — Harrison Ford’s version of him. He still had what it took to make us love Han all the more, in the Star Wars sequel trilogy…
Deadpool Musical Parody – Beauty and the Beast
[pullquote]If you’re a Disney Princess fan, you might not exactly appreciate Disney’s Prince of Gab, Deadpool.[/pullquote] And here we get a little in-joke about the other Disney Marvel heroic ensembles: with nods to the Avengers, X-Men, and…Betsy? I don’t know which franchise Betsy’s from. Also, we learn a new term (presumably not new to comic…
Every Hilarious Deadpool 2 Trailer
Deadpool 2 has some marvelously funny previews bobbing around on the internet. Of course, Deadpool could make me laugh just reading the phone book. It would be how he did it, probably lobbing in a few curse bombs, touching himself inappropriately, and slicing up bad guys for good measure. If you haven’t been keeping up…
Mark Hamill Reveals Spoiler for Solo
Ooops. Mark Hamill has been great at keeping Star Wars secrets under wraps since 1977. So it’s a surprise to learn he slipped up and revealed a potential spoiler for the upcoming young Han movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story. [pullquote]But — this being Star Wars after all — it could be a misdirection (from…
A Black Perspective on Marvel’s Black Panther
Article written by our New York RunPee volunteer Shani Ogilvie, with her cultural insights about the record-breaking Marvel phenomenon Black Panther — Enjoy! Black Panther was an amazing movie! Not only was it visually stunning in terms of costume, makeup, and hair, but it also had a deeper message I have never seen before in…