Category: -genres
Movie Review – Molly’s Game
80% from Rotten Tomatoes says it all. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, ‘I’d really like to learn to play poker, but there’s no one to teach me’…then just watch this movie: it’s a two hour tutorial on how to play, and how not to try earning a living from this volatile game. I’ve been…
Movie Rewatch Review — Titanic
Is there any movie more touching and exciting than Titanic? And the first time you watch it, it’s completely unexpected. I didn’t even want to see this in the theater, and resisted for months. Fool that I am, I figured, “Yeah, it sinks. I know what happens. Why see it? I was never so glad…
Movie Review – The Terminator
The Terminator is one of the truly perfect films in the science fiction genre. Sure, there are temporal paradox/causality loop issues, but you have to handwave that and go along with the premise. And why not? If you’re going to tell a time travel story about what happens when the singularity occurs — and it…
Movie Review – The Greatest Showman
The Greatest Showman is a jolly good movie for the whole family during this Christmas season. The songs were awesome, and that comes as no surprise since the music was done by the same team that gave us La La Land. I think the sound track is going to end up in a lot of…
Movie Review – Downsizing
I’m a little annoyed at Downsizing. The trailers presented this as a lightweight, fluffy comedy about being resized to five inches tall (in order to use less planetary resources). Great! Except this isn’t actually a comedy, and you barely get the sense of being shrunk. After the first half hour, it may as well be…
Movie Review – Jumanji 2: Welcome to the Jungle
This sequel version of Jumanji is adorable and funny. Predictable, yes, but the story is based on a video game plot, so it’s kind of a baked-in thing. It’s also bit too pat in how each teenage character gets the perfect game avatar to grow as a person, but this is yet another thing that…
Movie Review – Father Figures
Father Figures made me laugh out loud numerous times. I loved the amount of big names spread throughout the movie. Each one of them brought just a little more shine. This film finishes with a fairly heart-warming ending — it did surprise me. Right at the end, they turned this light comedy into something a…
Movie Review – Pitch Perfect 3
Pitch Perfect 3 did not disappoint. These movies are always fun and totally crazy, just like the actors and actresses they cast. Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson have fantastic chemistry together, and work the screen like it’s a catwalk. This third installment was a bit more action oriented, which I found refreshing. I think anyone…
Movie Review – The Last Jedi
It’s too soon to know how I feel about this latest installment to the Star Wars saga. A lot happens, at a brisk pace. We have fleeting introductions to a bunch of brand-new characters we never get to know; why they rounded up well-known actors for little more than extended cameos is beyond me. It’s…
All Star Wars Movies, ranked by personal watchablility. Now including Rise of Skywalker
What is rewatchability? It means I can put in a movie and watch it all the way through for fun, over and over and over again through the years. (This is different than having a movie on in the background while cleaning house or something…that’s another category). I want something to lift my spirits, which…