Category: -genres
Movie Review – Traffik
From the trailers that I had been seeing, I was really hyped for this movie. Yet again, I was disappointed. The plot is a good one. It could have been a really great movie, but they flopped on the ending. There was so much build up and tension that when the finale hit, I was…
Movie Review – I Feel Pretty
Two kinds of people will like this film: Amy Schumer fans, and anyone who is body conscious (meaning: a lot of women). It doesn’t treat Schumer kindly (all the humor centers on her being chubby, yet thinking she’s hot stuff), and that kind of thing will be offensive to some. My very pretty movie companion felt…
Movie Review – Isle of Dogs
Do see Isle of Dogs if it comes anywhere near your theater. It’s creative and quirky, with a great voiceover cast of big stars…and this is honestly something I haven’t seen before. Everyone in the production really pulled out a stylish little film. There are moments in this stop-animation tale that are sort of strange…
Movie Review – A Quiet Place (Spoiler-free)
It is truly amazing this movie is able to pack so much into so little. It’s a short movie, only 1:23 not counting the credits, and yet it feels like two hours. And there’s barely enough dialog to fill a sheet of paper: it feels like we know every character’s life stories. Right out of…
Movie Review – God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
This movie is a largely dialog-driven effort, showing what modern times are like for the church, the law, and the direction of religion in our new cell phone/internet existence. [pullquote position=”right”]It’s a nice story that even non-religious viewers can appreciate.[/pullquote] The audience, on opening night (my guess is these are faithful church goers), REALLY enjoyed…
Movie Review -Ready Player One
Ready Player One: a likable, but not lovable movie. [pullquote]The plot is about as predictable as a row of Space Invaders.[/pullquote] I think the writers figured the target audience (teenagers) aren’t mature enough to notice the clichés and the older crowd would be placated with the numerous 80’s pop culture references. (OMG, that’s me. I’m the older crowd! When…
Best Movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Thor: Ragnarok)
Here’s RunPee Jilly’s list of the best-to-worst films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since so many of these movies are good, and there are so many of them, I’ve chosen to rank the films by “tier”. Top Tier, Middle Tier, and Bottom Tier. (And one that is simply Bad.) I’m not going to stress over…
MCU Movie Rewatch – Thor 2: The Dark World
I was surprised at how easy Thor 2 was to re-watch. I remember it as “the boring installment.” It’s still not exciting on the level of the top tier of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers, Civil War, Black Panther and Thor’s own 3 – Ragnarok). Making myself even more clear, The Dark World…
Movie Review – Pacific Rim: Uprising
I loved the first Pacific Rim. (PR1) Okay, to be honest, I wasn’t crazy about it right off the bat, but it did grow on me. I’ve probably rewatched it a dozen times, here and there, over the years. It’s a great movie to have on in the background while working. Obviously, I was really…
Movie Review – Midnight Sun
This is a nice date movie for young people, with decent drama and some excellent acting. I was really impressed with the sensitivity portrayed towards this young woman’s illness — she was cool, she was hip, and she wasn’t a victim…and yet, neither was she played as “bravely courageous” in a stereotypical way. Katie seemed…