Category: -genres
Quiz – How well do you know Freddie Mercury?
Even though I included a few musical questions, I wanted this quiz to honor Freddie Mercury the man, not just the band Queen. [quiz-cat id=”11096″] It’s a shame that when most people hear the name Freddie Mercury, they think about how he died, rather than what a musical genius he was. I hope I’ve changed…
Quiz – Queen Elizabeth I
The story of Queen Elizabeth l is an inspiration for women determined to make their own path through life. She possessed strength, wisdom, and courage, something normally not often seen in women during the time of her reign. We’ve had a few movies over the years about Elizabeth, and those are worth rewatching to get…
Quiz – Queen Elizabeth l and Mary Queen of Scots
Just in time for the new movie, Mary Queen of Scots, this quiz addresses the relationship between Mary herself, and Queen Elizabeth l. Mary and Elizabeth were both powerful queens, ruling at the same time, it’s no wonder that there would be the occasional cat fight between these two monarchs. Good luck with this somewhat challenging…
Movie Review – The Sisters Brothers
When I saw this movie yesterday, I really disliked it. I thought I’d sleep on it and see where my mind was later. I still dislike it. Yes, it had an amazing cast. How can a movie with an ensemble like this not prove to be outstanding? I’m going to blame this on the writing.…
Movie Review – Halloween
What a movie! My long awaited excitement was finally satisfied! This was an event of epic proportions. Picture it: I walk into the theater, and it is sold out. The crowd was rowdy and ready for Michael. People were chanting, “Michael, Michael!” It was awesome. The lights went down and the theater became deathly quiet.…
Movie Review – Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer
I have to grade this movie the same way I grade animated films; by determining the target audience, and grading accordingly. Rotten Tomatoes audience score is at 98% as of this writing. So does this tell me most of the audience is made up of those who feel strongly about this issue, be it pro-choice…
Movie Review – The Old Man & the Gun
Since The Old Man & The Gun is reported as being Robert Redford’s swan song; it seems only fitting that he reprises his most beloved character. As I sat in the theater, completely captivated by this movie, all I saw was the Sundance Kid, nonchalantly robbing one bank after another. So come on, Oscar committee,…
LOTR: Fan Film Short of The Hobbit – An Unexpected Parody
I think Peter Jackson should have opened The Hobbit with this fan-film feature. It’s that cute. Even if you don’t like drinking shots, you’ll find this short amusing. I can see this (in my personal head cannon) as what actually happened that fateful night at Bag End, and why Bilbo joined the Dwarves’ expedition to…
Guardians of the Galaxy Ex-Director James Gunn to Direct Suicide Squad 2
In a surprise move that, in hindsight, should not be so surprising, DC snapped up erstwhile Marvel director James Gunn. The director who helmed the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy films was fired last July from GOTG Vol3 for offensive Twitter jokes posted over a decade ago, stirring up ire and confusion from legions of…
Movie Review – First Man
First Man is a thoughtfully crafted, well-made film that a lot of reviewers seemed to love. Ryan Gosling definitely dove into the part. The nostalgia of returning to the 1960s was neat, and the scenes in actual space were close to brilliant at times. It felt like being there, as the Saturn V thundered…