Category: -genres
Movie Review – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
As my faithful followers know, I always review a movie based on the response of the target audience. Okay, that being said, I saw this movie with my 6 year old great-granddaughter. The child never took her eyes off the screen; she even forgot about the candy I purchased for her at the concession stand;…
Movie Review – Once Upon A Deadpool
The Deadpool Before Christmas was hard to grade. I had to wonder if it’s better than the original Deadpool 2, if it added anything impressive to the canon, and if it’s worth spending your cash on what amounts to a re-tread of the same movie you saw last summer. For real Deadpool fans, this…
Deadpool PG-13 wants to Cure Cancer with Your Movie Money
According to the Wikipedia, the PG-13 holiday special of The Deadpool Before Christmas only happened because Reynolds insisted charities should benefit. Awwww! I never knew Reynolds was secretly a sweetheart, but maybe we should have guessed it: he’s confirmed Deadpool is indeed a member of the Hogwarts House Hufflepuff, where wizards are loyal, kind, hardworking,…
Virgin Movie Review – Jim Carrey’s The Grinch (2000)
Holy hell, this was directed by Ron Howard? Normally I love his touch. And as for Jim Carrey, I’ve always been a fan. Not with this. This is the Carrey equivalent of Bill Murrey’s Garfield: a true WTF? I imagine (and know for sure, based on my own great-niece’s preferences) some people like this Grinch.…
A Slightly More Than Casual Fan’s Reaction to Avenger 4 Trailer 1
Guest article by Christopher Estrada WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and The Wasp, and the trailer for Avengers: End Game. Wow… Iron Man’s helmet really looks beaten… Because it was. And he was. Pretty severely when Thanos nearly snuffed out the life of Tony Stark. I didn’t expect Tony to survive that fight.…
Avengers 4 Endgame – First Trailer Review
Oh dear Thor! I’m sitting here sobbing my heart out. I just watched the first (amazing!) trailer for Avengers 4, which finally has a title: Avengers: Endgame. It’s under three minutes long and I’m a mess. Just like I was at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. As soon as it flipped to the title…
Movie Review – Aquaman
What does DC have to do to shake off the feeling that it’s the poor man’s Marvel? For starters: make better movies. I’m not saying Aquaman is bad. Far from it. It’s a decent movie despite being as predictable as it is visually appealing. But it’s no better than the first Thor movie. Which would…
Quiz – Mike Morales as the Spider-verse’s New Spider-Man
This quiz deals with the history of Marvel comic’s “other” Spider-Man — Miles Morales (showcased in Into the Spider-verse), and how he became a superhero. If you’ve been a life-long fan of Morales, you won’t find this quiz too difficult.[quiz-cat id=”12320″] Until I started researching Morales, I had no idea how convoluted the comic book universe…
A Merry Movie Christmas – The RunPee Family’s Favorite Holiday Films
It’s that time of year again, when you can’t walk around in stores without hearing that Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, how mommy kissed Santa Claus, or that sad Last Christmas song by WHAM! In other words, ’tis the season to pay lip service to the holidays. (Ouch. I sound like a Grinch. Let me start again.)…
Virgin Movie Review – Planet of the Apes (2001)
Who knew Tim Burton could direct a grand scale epic adventure? I always thought his specialty was weirdos doing wacky things. But I was surprised and pleased with how much I enjoyed this 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, especially since I’m not impressed with the more recent trilogy. I also didn’t realize Mark…