Category: Entertainment News
The validity of movie rating systems
I hope everyone knows you can’t trust any statistics someone gives you if they’re trying to sell you something. Whether it’s the criminally inaccurate graphs that frequent a FOX News story or “4 out of 5 dentists” recommend Brand X toothpaste. Numbers don’t lie, but people… They lie all the time by manipulating those numbers.…
Turning pandemic into opportunity – how two men gamed the system to create a movie that reached #1 at the box office
Many people are turning the boredom of the Covid-19 lockdown into opportunity, by using the time to learn or improve on a skill they’ve wanted to attain. Or finishing projects they never seemed to have time for. But this pair of friends, Eric Tabach, (actor and YouTuber) and Christian Nilsson (filmmaker), took it to another…
Movie theaters are opening on Friday! How to be safe and what we will see
We can’t contain our excitement about movies in theaters coming back! Chances are, if you’re on this site, you’re over the moon as well. Of course we have to be extra careful to distance ourselves, wear masks, sanitize our seating real estate, and not touch our faces, but this should all be second nature by…
Epic cast reunions – Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and more
Watching this gives me the warm fuzzies. It’s so cool to see the cast of Ghostbusters reunited. To get a sense of their camaraderie, even after all these years (plus some behind the scenes tidbits) is a joy to watch. But there are many more reunions to see. Back to the Future with Christopher Lloyd,…
Matrix 4 – why Keanu Reeves is excited to return to the Matrix
Keanu Reeves spent three movies fighting to free himself from The Matrix. Eighteen years after the last Matrix movie — Matrix Revolutions — Reeves is excited to take the blue pill this time and return to his legendary role of Neo. In a recent interview with Variety, Reeves revealed why — after all this time —…
Movies are back in production again! What we know now…
Movie lovers rejoice! The California state governor approved a move for Hollywood to resume movie production — but only with proper coronavirus prevention conditions. This new announcement covers the creation of movies, TV shows, and music. However, if Los Angeles County proves it can’t handle making entertainment safely — without a significant rise in hospitalized…
Mon Mothma to appear on Star Wars Cassian Andor show
Remember Mon Mothma? She appears as a revolutionary leader in the classic Star Wars trilogy and the interestingly posed prequel Rogue One. In Return of the Jedi, she has that classic line about many Bothans dying to get the Death Star plans. (Most don’t recall that she’s referring to the Death Star II, but that’s…
7 Ways to Keep Your Sanity While There Are No New Movies
Tired of your DVD collection? Seen every series on Netflix? Your couch probably has a permanent butt print from holding the fort at home during quarantine. With Hollywood — and the entire world — on hold for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, here are some creative movie-related things to do that are new. 7…
Mandalorian Season Three is Going to Happen! (spoiler free news for Mando fans)
I know we’ve only seen season one of the groundbreakingly unique Star Wars TV show The Mandalorian. And it was, well, fantastic. Somehow Disney and Lucasfilm brought back the magic. Now we’re getting a great little quarantine-era gift: there will be a third Mando season. And I’m not going to spoil any of it for…