Category: Entertainment News
Review of The Deadpool Before Christmas – A PG-13 Version – New Footage, New Film
Santa Claus has a super duper maxi big treat for us this Christmas, with an almost-new Deadpool 2 arriving in theaters on December 21. Ryan Reynolds is back in the red suit, just like Santa, re-shooting 15 minutes of original footage, dubbing creatively subversive, yet clean lines for the “new” film — even adding a…
What is a Scaramouch? The Meaning Behind Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen
I love the song Bohemian Rhapsody, and sing it out loud with glee every time I go backpacking (in the woods, no one can hear you sing). But, I have to admit: I don’t understand a lot of the bizarre words in the song. With the new film about Queen, fittingly titled Bohemian Rhapsody, I…
Did Rami Malek Sing In Bohemian Rhapsody?
If you’ve seen Bohemian Rhapsody, you may be wondering if you’re hearing Rami Malek’s voice during the musical numbers. The answer is a little bit “yes” and a little bit “no.” As amazing as Malek’s voice is, we’re talking about duplicating Freddie Mercury here. No small feat. There’s no shame in being one of a chorus…
A most excellent cameo, eh?
There are perfect cameos and then there’s Mike Myers’ cameo as Ray Foster in Bohemian Rhapsody. I honestly didn’t recognize Myers during the movie. It wasn’t until after I saw it — when I was adding Peetimes — that I noticed his credit listing on the IMDb. If you don’t know why this is such an excellent…
We Didn’t Start The Fire – Movie References
Billy Joel made an historical hit in 1989, with pop song We Didn’t Start The Fire. Historical pop songs are a small genre (I can also think of One Week and Big Bang Theory, both by the Bare Naked Ladies), but mighty catchy to listen to, try as you might to catch all the cool…
Why There Won’t be a Sequel to Cabin in the Woods
If you’ve seen Cabin in the Woods and enjoyed it, you’ll probably love Bad Times at the El Royale. Both are directed by Drew Goddard, and he uses the same kind of narrative deconstruction technique in each. Cabin in the Woods is a sardonically amusing take on the typical “teens in a creepy cabin the the…
Guardians of the Galaxy Ex-Director James Gunn to Direct Suicide Squad 2
In a surprise move that, in hindsight, should not be so surprising, DC snapped up erstwhile Marvel director James Gunn. The director who helmed the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy films was fired last July from GOTG Vol3 for offensive Twitter jokes posted over a decade ago, stirring up ire and confusion from legions of…
Where’s the American Flag in First Man?
Much ado has been made about the omission of the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon in the movie First Man. So what’s the deal? Here’s what the director had to say about this decision: “It surprised me because there are so many things that we weren’t able…
Mark Ruffalo Spoils Avengers 4 Title – Or Does He?
Mark Ruffalo, as Marvel’s Hulk, talks a lot — unlike the Hulk, actually. Ruffalo’s been known to accidentally drop many a spoiler on talk shows, followed by an “ooops” face, and usually an unsuccessful attempt to pass it off as a joke. It seems he just did it again, live with Jimmy Fallon. Maybe. Possible…