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Author: Dan Gardner

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron – movie review

    Avengers: Age of Ultron – movie review

    Grade: A+ In case you didn’t know this movie, and all MARVEL movies it seems, came out a week earlier in the UK and many other countries than it does in the USA. (Why? I have no idea.) Anyhow, I downloaded a crappy cam copy so that I could get peetimes for my international users.…

  • Insurgent – movie review

    Insurgent – movie review

    Grade: C I’m not a fan of the Divergent series and haven’t read the books. I watched the first movie the night before Insurgent was released and found it to be uninspiring. I wasn’t disappointed with Insurgent because I didn’t expect much. The best thing I can say is that it isn’t horrible. They managed…

  • Run All Night – movie review

    Run All Night – movie review

    Grade: C- The good news is that this movie is immeasurably better than Taken 3. Liam did a good job with his role, as did Ed Harris. Joel Kinnaman, who played Mike (Liam’s son), didn’t have much to work with. His character was consistently expressionless throughout the movie. My guess is that was due to…

  • Chappie – movie review

    I really don’t want to review this movie because I have so much respect for Hugh Jackman and Sigourney Weaver. In a way having those two in the movie made it even worse because their talents were so obviously wasted on the roles they had. I wonder if they lost a bet or something and…

  • McFarland – movie review
  • Focus – movie review

    Focus – movie review

    Grade: C+ I’ve put off writing my review of this movie because I can’t think of anything to say. It’s one of those movies that doesn’t stand out as good or bad in any way. The story is decent. I think they were trying to pull of an Inception-like effect, but with within cons instead…

  • Whiplash – movie review

    Whiplash – movie review

    Grade: A There’s no point in reviewing this movie. It’s as good as a movie is going to get. Great story, great acting — J.K. Simmons won an Oscar for best supporting actor, and great directing, oh yeah, the music doesn’t suck either. 🙂

  • Kingsman: The Secret Service – movie review

    Kingsman: The Secret Service – movie review

    Grade: A It isn’t often that a movie exceeds my expectations, but this one sure did. I was hoping for something good; I got something great. There are no holes in this movie. The acting is better than good, there isn’t anything groundbreaking with the action, but I think they did an excellent job. Especially…

  • Jupiter Ascending – movie review

    Jupiter Ascending – movie review

    Grade: C It’s times like these that I really hate writing movie reviews. Jupiter Ascending is an archetypical story with a great deal of potential, but it falls short in so many ways. But I really appreciate that the Wachowski’s (writers/directors of The Matrix, V is for Vendetta, Cloud Atlas) always try and reach for…

  • Project Almanac – movie review

    Project Almanac – movie review

    Grade: C- This is a “found footage” made film, which I find enormously irritating. If you’re like me, in that respect, then you should stay away from this movie. The movie isn’t bad but it doesn’t add anything to the time travel genre either. My advice is to take a pass and if you really…
