Tag: really bad movies
Movie Review – In the Earth
In the Earth should be in the trash can. This movie flopped so bad it reminded me of a fish out of water. The noises they used were horrible. They grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard, but worse. It didn’t add to the movie at all, like some sound effects do. Four…
Null Movies – Films with a 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes
Null Movies are a thing After many weeks discussing how we grade movies at RunPee, from A+ through F-, I thought I was done. But NOT SO FAST! There’s an even worse film than the lowly F-. How about a null score that statistically nobody has a good thing to say about it? It’s so…
The Star Wars Holiday Special …Is it really that bad?
Is it really that bad? Yes. Yes it is. With a few moments that were faintly amusing. Created using the real-to-goodness original cast of Star Wars from A New Hope, The Star Wars Holiday Special was an earnest 1978 TV movie featuring awful production values, clearly stoned actors, and some really cracked-out looking Wookiees. Really,…