Tag: history
Apollo 11 Trivia Quiz
Do you have what it takes to suit up? Take the Apollo 11/Lunar history quiz, and learn some great trivia about mankind’s first trip to the moon, and the astronauts who made that historic journey in 1969. (Ten questions) [quiz-cat id=”10412″]
Where’s the American Flag in First Man?
Much ado has been made about the omission of the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon in the movie First Man. So what’s the deal? Here’s what the director had to say about this decision: “It surprised me because there are so many things that we weren’t able…
Movie Review – The 15:17 to Paris
It’s not unusual for me to disagree with professional critics, but I was almost apoplectic to read the scathing reviews given to The 15:17 To Paris. The chief complaint seems to be the hour we sit through just to get to the action. So here’s my take on that; I liked being shown the lives…
Movie Rewatch Review — Titanic
Is there any movie more touching and exciting than Titanic? And the first time you watch it, it’s completely unexpected. I didn’t even want to see this in the theater, and resisted for months. Fool that I am, I figured, “Yeah, it sinks. I know what happens. Why see it? I was never so glad…
Movie Review – The Greatest Showman
The Greatest Showman is a jolly good movie for the whole family during this Christmas season. The songs were awesome, and that comes as no surprise since the music was done by the same team that gave us La La Land. I think the sound track is going to end up in a lot of…
Movie Review – The Darkest Hour
There’s really no need for anyone to show up for the Oscars, except for the talented artists involved with *Darkest Hour*. This was by far the best movie I’ve seen all year, and I’ve seen a lot of good (and bad) films. I’m going to stick my neck out and predict that Gary Oldman will…
Movie Review – DunKirk
Be forewarned, this movie can be insanely confusing. There are three vignettes operating during this film: a pilot trying to keep the Luftwaffe at bay (while rescue attempts for the waiting soldiers on the beach are being made), a private citizen and his sons, who are lending a heroic hand to the survivors of sinking…
Review – Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
This is a slow character tale about how the Wonder Woman comic came to be. While seemingly a superhero origin story, it’s really a drama about how an unconventional threesome bucked the odds of their time to create a gentle — and mostly uncomplicated — love story. Was Wonder Woman a part of all this? She’s…
Movie Review – The Zookeeper’s Wife
The Zookeeper’s Wife isn’t for everyone. Animal lovers may be excited to see this movie, but I’ll warn you now: this is a gut wrenching movie and not for the faint of heart, especially for the above mentioned animal lovers. The sight of caged animals blown apart by bombs, or brutally shot by Nazi soldiers,…