Tag: 2020
Once more, with freeness: San Diego Comic Con 2021 hosts 2nd Free Online Convention due to Covid
Greetings, fellow geeks and con-lovers! I wrote up the salient points about the 2021 San Diego International Comic Con for you, in an easy to read format (especially if you’re all DR:TL about the press release I posted underneath). DEETS: San Diego 2021 Comic-Con@Home Like last year, it’s free to virtually attend (No LINES!) Like…
Jill’s Top 10 Movies of 2020
Well, let’s start by saying 2020 sucked, movie-wise. At least in the theatrical releases. With the pandemic keeping us inside, theaters have been (mostly) closed all year — tough for film fanatics like us. The trickle of new wide release films hasn’t provided much in the way of outstanding offerings: I’ve had to fill in…
Silver Linings: Gratitude in the Year of CoVid
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― Gandalf, The Fellowship…
The Big List of Movie Updates for 2021 and Beyond
in Movie NewsIt’s almost 2021 and it can’t help but be a new and improved new year. Right? RIGHT? While there’s many more important things than getting the movie industry back on its feet, it’s still an important part of many people’s lives and plays a crucial role in the economy. Let’s hope that these new movie release…