Category: Studios and Franchises
Movie Review – Aladdin (2019) – A Live Action Remake, Good for the Target Audience
The 2019 live-action remake of Aladdin is a difficult movie to review, because I’m not the target audience — that’s mainly young kids. Personally, I found the movie to be occasionally entertaining at best, and barely tolerable for the rest. There were a few laughs here and there, and rarely did the song and dance…
Rewatch Review – Disney’s Animated Aladdin (1992) – A Classic Film with Deeply Modern Flaws
The animated Aladdin of 1992 is a beloved Disney classic. It’s one of the great films of the Disney Renaissance Era, and features A Whole New World, a TOP EVER song of ever in the the Disney oeuvre. Yet parts of Aladdin are deeply problematic to modern audiences. Disney is going out on a limb…
A Whole New World – Aladdin Lyrics and Video (1992 Animated Version)
Back in 1992, Aladdin charmed audiences with Disney’s usual blend of great animation, voice work, humor, casting, and a brand of cynicism-free earnestness typical of Disney’s Renaissance Era. Aladdin nests among the top rank of the films in this period, starting in 1998 with The Little Mermaid, and ending with 1999’s Tarzan. Aladdin’s best-known lyrics…
Aladdin – Animated vs Stage vs Live Action
The Aladdin remake will be flying into theaters soon. This will be Disney’s third version of this popular story, including the 2014 Broadway musical. So how does it compare to its predecessors? Let’s find out. NOTE: Aladdin article contains SPOILERS. Aladdin Sidekicks In the animated film, Aladdin has a monkey pal named Abu and…
Natalia Alianovna Romanoff – AKA Black Widow – Original Avenger (spoilers)
Warning: Endgame spoilers begin right away. See the movie first! Natlianovna Romanoff, better known in the U.S. as Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, Avenger, Agent of SHIELD, and former KGB Assassin. These are the only known occupations of this founding member of the Avengers. Romanoff’s Early Life Born in 1984s Soviet Russia, Natasha’s early life remains…
Avengers: Endgame – What was that hammer sound in the credits?
Did you stay to the very bitter end of Endgame? There’s some speculation about what that hammer sound was at the end of the credits in Avengers: Endgame. Is it something we’ll find out in an upcoming movie? Could be. But that hammering-on-metal audio clip sure does sound a lot like this scene from Iron…
How Captain Marvel Stole Shazam’s Name
It’s no surprise that Captain Marvel and Shazam! both had movies released within weeks of each other this year. Despite being from separate comic universes, the two superheroes have always been inextricably linked by a connection with their name. Shazam was the original Captain Marvel?! The DC Comics character Shazam was originally known as Captain…
RIP Star Wars Hero Chewbacca – Peter Mayhew is Dead
I was born in 1978. I have never known a world without Peter Mayhew. Until now. I have never met the man. I know very little about him personally. What I do know is the joy he brought me throughout my life via his portrayal of the beloved Star Wars character Chewbacca. I read an…
Captain Marvel – Video and Lyrics to Just a Girl by No Doubt
Captain Marvel is a girl. We kind of all knew that in advance. But while her origin story sends the girl power message a bit over the top, Just A Girl by No Doubt still really works, cinematically. It’s a fun, feel-good movie moment. The entire film’s 90s sound track is a great trip down…
First Star Wars Skywalker Trailer Breakdown
I remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater at a very young age and falling in love with ewoks. For most of my life, there were only three Star Wars films (and a brilliant Mel Brooks parody of them). And the vague promise that maybe someday George Lucas would make episodes I-III. In…