Category: Studios and Franchises
Lion King – Animated vs Broadway vs Live Action
The “live action” (actually CGI, folks) remake of The Lion King is hitting theaters. This new version of the Disney 1994 classic features significant differences. Now is a great time to return to Pride Rock — and revisit Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Mufasa, Zazu, and Rafiki — as we compare the animated, Broadway, and the…
Movie Review – The Lion King (2019)
If you’re not a Lion King fan, then I think you’ll find the 2019 live action (CGI, really) version more enjoyable than the animated one, based on more humor and the outstanding cinematography. For my part, I feel a little numb because I effectively watched the movie three times today working on the Peetimes. And,…
Actor Voices for Every Lion King Character (2019)
Here’s a photographic list of the main characters and the actors’ voices behind them in the 2019 CGI (AKA ‘Live Action’) remake of The Lion King. Simba (young) JD McCrary This talented young (12 y/o) actor already has an extensive TV filmography, even appearing as a young Michael Jackson in the TV series American Soul. Simba…
The Lion King – Rewatch Review of the Animated Classic
This week the rebooted version of The Lion King arrives in theaters. But before that happens, I want to say a few things. To start with, the original 1994 Lion King is one of the best Disney movies EVER. For me, it’s right after The Little Mermaid, and that’s saying a lot. The Lion King…
Surprise! The Lion King is a Hamlet Remake
As you may know there, is a controversy that surrounds The Lion King. The fact that it possibly stole its entire movie from one called Kimba the White Lion is one ting…but we’re not talking about that here. We are going to be talking about how the Lion King is basically Hamlet with lions. And…
The Lion King – Can Disney Remake a Masterpiece?
My two cents worth as I anticipate The Lion King this week. I’m fascinated to see how Disney can remake a masterpiece. The original movie was amazing, and the stage musical was also, in an entirely different way. When my daughter, Destiny, and I saw the musical in Chicago, we were absolutely blown away by…
Avengers: Endgame Re-Release Extra Footage Explained
In an attempt to knock Avatar (2009) off the Biggest Box Office high horse, the Marvel Cinematic Universe opened their vaults and added some extra footage to Avengers: Endgame in a ‘re-release’. Normally a re-release happens after a movie has been gone awhile, but with MCU fever still running high, Marvel Studios added six minutes…
Spider-Man & Iron Man – Lyrics to Back in Black by AC/DC
Starting way back in 2008 with Iron Man‘s use of I Am Iron-Man and, yes, Back in Black, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has never been shy of using classic rock hits in their superhero movies. While 2019’s Spiderman: Far From Home doesn’t have as many rocking songs as Spider-Man: Homecoming, it’s got a winning use…
The Lion Sleeps Tonight Lyrics & Video from The Lion King
Innnn the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonigtttt…..A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh… This classic song is well known, but most don’t realize the name isn’t In the Jungle. Even if you ask Alexa for In the Jungle, she knows what song you mean but corrects you first: it’s called The Lion Sleeps Tonight. But I…
The Lion King – Lyrics and Video to Hakuna Matata
The most charming song in the 1994’s beloved The Lion King is where Pumbaa, Timon, and Simba sing Hakuna Matata. Which means, as the meerkat and wildebeast cheerfully describe, “No worries.” A good philosophy…can you watch this scene without smiling? It’s pleasant, funny, and even meaningful — remember the iconic moment where the three friends…