Category: -genres
Movie Review – The Conjuring
The Conjuring was by far the best scary movie I have seen since I was a little girl. At one point I was wishing for my blanket to cover my head and hide my eyes with. I do not have one bad thing to say abut this movie. It was great. The entire cast gave…
Movie Review – Turbo – Faster & Funnier Than a Snail’s Pace
Turbo was a charming little movie about dreams and perseverance. There was lots of laughter from the children in the audience, and more than a few chuckles from the parents. The characters were cute and interesting. Samuel Jackson, as the voice of Whiplash, and Paul Giamatti, as the brother Chet, were outstanding. The plot was…
Pacific Rim – movie review
Pacific Rim can easily be described as nothing but Monster/Robot porn. Yes, there’s a plot, and back story, and character development, but those elements are all handled with heavy handed exposition and cliches. I can’t imagine anyone walking out of the theater thinking, “What a richly developed and coherent universe they created.” But I can…
Movie Review – Smurfs 2
Smurfs 2 was super cute. I think it was better than the first one by a long shot. This one kept me entertained the whole time. Don’t tell my boss, but I fell asleep during the first one. The thing that made this one better is all the lines that will totally go over kids…
Movie Review – The Place Beyond the Pines
This movie is interesting because of its non-traditional structure. It interconnects the story of two flawed men, and examines how their actions affect their sons. Ryan Gosling gives a sparse, electric performance. It’s so good, in fact, that I almost wish the story had stayed focused on Luke. But this story, like life, moves forward,…
Movie Review – Oblivion
This film will certainly be enjoyed by die hard sci-fi lovers for its beautiful visuals — it’s particularly wonderful if you see it in IMAX. The dystopian story of an Earth post-alien invasion starts off a little slow, but is intriguing. There’s a genius scene in a swimming pool. Half-way through the movie though, the…
Movie Review – The Lords of Salem
The Lords of Salem, written and directed by Rob Zombie, definitely made it to my top 5 list along with Devils Rejects. However, this movie, with Zombie’s morbidly delicious way of thinking, is not going to be for the general public. It was visually assaulting. Rob Zombie imagined the witches as Manson-esque hippies, and very…
Movie Review – Pain & Gain
As I’m sure you know, Pain & Gain is based on a true story that took place in Miami, FL in the 90s. Michael Bay took an unfortunately comical event and made a pretty decent movie out of it. Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson were the perfect people for their roles. They’re both serious exercise-aholics,…
Movie Review – The Big Wedding
Wedding movies are a dime a dozen. There isn’t anything new or original in The Big Wedding. The families are dysfunctional on both sides of the aisle, and of course the priest has his own personal baggage. The all star cast didn’t exactly bring their A game, but they were funny enough to make me…
Movie Review – The Croods – Enough Fun and Humor for Adults Too
This is a smart, funny, and colorful movie about a clan of cave people who must travel to unknown territory after their cave was destroyed by plate tectonics. They meet up with a more evolved person — his forehead isn’t sloped — who introduces them to the prehistoric version of shoes, cell phones, sun glasses, and…