Category: -genres
Mark Ruffalo Spoils Avengers 4 Title – Or Does He?
Mark Ruffalo, as Marvel’s Hulk, talks a lot — unlike the Hulk, actually. Ruffalo’s been known to accidentally drop many a spoiler on talk shows, followed by an “ooops” face, and usually an unsuccessful attempt to pass it off as a joke. It seems he just did it again, live with Jimmy Fallon. Maybe. Possible…
Entering the X-Files – The Pilot Episode
The X-Files Pilot still one of the better long-running television pilots out there. Quintessentially set in the early 90s, it holds up well. Scully is an adorable skeptic, still bright-eyed and bushy tailed — so eager to please — with a sweet face still bearing traces of baby fat. Mulder starts out almost exactly as…
TROOPS – A Star Wars Parody Does COPS
I adore the Star Wars parody TROOPS, featuring a cool and funny blend of the 80s television reality show COPS, with Star Wars: A New Hope. It’s got 10 minutes of cinematic-level goodness and is great fun. I’m super impressed with the visual quality of this tiny film. It looks like Star Wars! It even…
Voldemort Will Funk You Up
I love the video of the Dark Lord Funk, a parody of Uptown Funk, and how it so cleverly sends up the Harry Potter mythos from the perspective of a hip and urban Voldemort. You have to view this one a few times, once for overall enjoyment, once to catch the rich visual humor, and a…
Welcome to the Spider-Verse
Captain Midnight makes some intelligent videos for superhero nerds like us. In this one, he talks about how the upcoming animated reboot of the Spiderman universe is both an exciting prospect and a scary one. We’ve had a lot of Spidermen in the modern era, which speaks to the enduring popularity and relatable personality of…
More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine
Remember in A New Hope when Obi Wan said to Vader, “Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”? As it turned out, Obi Wan didn’t become all powerful. He didn’t do much more than become the Jedi Whisperer. (Let go, Luke. Trust your feelings.) Now that Luke has faded…
Crimes of Grindelwald Prequel Fan Film – The Greater Good
Have you seen The Greater Good, a 17-minute fan film about Dumbledore and Grindelwald? Made before the first Fantastic Beasts movie was even a thing, this little wonder tells the story of how the two powerful wizards broke off their previously intense, long-running relationship. It also features Albus Dumbledore’s little sister, Ariana, and the sad…
How Marvel’s Spiderman Fixed the Franchise
How many Spideys have graced (or disgraced) (or Topher Graced) the iconic young superhero on the big screen over the last few decades? This is the THIRD go at it in the modern era — but you probably knew that. How come Tom Holland’s performance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is considered superior? This video…
Notes on Final Trailer for Fantastic Beasts — The Crimes of Grindelwald
The final trailer for Fantastic Beasts 2 – The Crimes of Grindelwald has dropped, and there are more clues and a bunch of spoilers you might wish to avoid. I’m including the trailer link and my commentary about it below, so click away now if you’re trailer-spoiler-averse. The trailer is 2 minutes and 23 seconds,…
Movie Review – Hell Fest
Hell Fest was a total cliche. It was very predictable, yet it was enjoyable to watch. The idea of being in a very public place where murders are going on, but unnoticed, was a great idea. I embrace everything Halloween. This holiday is hands-down my favorite time of the year. I have been known to…