Category: -genres
Through the Wormhole – Are We All Bigots?
Morgan Freeman has a Science Channel series called Through the Wormhole. I highly recommend the series for those interested in learning about a broad range of topics from is the universe a simulation to is privacy dead. One of my favorite episodes is about the nature of racism: Are We All Bigots? In this episode Freeman…
Movie Review – The Hate U Give
I expected this movie adaptation of Angela Thomas’ book of the same name to be exactly what it was—-racially tensed and enlightening. While many people are aware of a few victims involved in police altercations that led to their deaths by police officers such as Trayvon Martin, Botham Shem Jean, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray,…
First Man Opinion — Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
When I was in college, I worked at the United States Space Academy. It was an amazing experience. I grew up fascinated with space and science. I literally cried when my parents dragged me out of the Space and Rocket Center after our first, and only, visit. Years later, when I got to work there,…
Funny Harry Potter Fan Film Short – The Mysterious Ticking Noise
Are you a really big Harry Potter fan? Here’s a somewhat silly, but super fun fan video, called Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise. These guys made a lot of little Harry Potter puppet shorts, but THIS is the best, the most beloved and well known. We Potterhead types have been known to play…
Apollo 11 Trivia Quiz
Do you have what it takes to suit up? Take the Apollo 11/Lunar history quiz, and learn some great trivia about mankind’s first trip to the moon, and the astronauts who made that historic journey in 1969. (Ten questions) [quiz-cat id=”10412″]
Where’s the American Flag in First Man?
Much ado has been made about the omission of the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon in the movie First Man. So what’s the deal? Here’s what the director had to say about this decision: “It surprised me because there are so many things that we weren’t able…
Mark Ruffalo Spoils Avengers 4 Title – Or Does He?
Mark Ruffalo, as Marvel’s Hulk, talks a lot — unlike the Hulk, actually. Ruffalo’s been known to accidentally drop many a spoiler on talk shows, followed by an “ooops” face, and usually an unsuccessful attempt to pass it off as a joke. It seems he just did it again, live with Jimmy Fallon. Maybe. Possible…
Entering the X-Files – The Pilot Episode
The X-Files Pilot still one of the better long-running television pilots out there. Quintessentially set in the early 90s, it holds up well. Scully is an adorable skeptic, still bright-eyed and bushy tailed — so eager to please — with a sweet face still bearing traces of baby fat. Mulder starts out almost exactly as…
TROOPS – A Star Wars Parody Does COPS
I adore the Star Wars parody TROOPS, featuring a cool and funny blend of the 80s television reality show COPS, with Star Wars: A New Hope. It’s got 10 minutes of cinematic-level goodness and is great fun. I’m super impressed with the visual quality of this tiny film. It looks like Star Wars! It even…
Voldemort Will Funk You Up
I love the video of the Dark Lord Funk, a parody of Uptown Funk, and how it so cleverly sends up the Harry Potter mythos from the perspective of a hip and urban Voldemort. You have to view this one a few times, once for overall enjoyment, once to catch the rich visual humor, and a…