Category: -genres
Quiz – The Lego Ninjago Movie – Fun kid action in the shared Lego movie universe
Let’s have some fun with this Lego Ninjago quiz: I’ll give you a quote, and you give me the character. Good Luck! [quiz-cat id=”15022″] If you enjoyed this quotes quiz, take a look at my other Lego movie quizzes! Thanks for stopping by – Ginger/RunPee Mom Quiz – The Lego Movie – This film is ‘Awesome” Quiz…
Quiz – The Lego Batman Movie – Think You Know Your Lego Superhero Quotes?
The only thing more fun than playing with Batman Legos is taking a quiz on The Lego Batman Movie. I’ll give you a Batman Lego film quote, and you supply the correct character who said it. Now with Batman starring in a 3rd Lego movie (the Second Part), he’s kind of a big deal. 😉…
Quiz – The Lego Movie – This film is ‘Awesome”
Here’s a little quiz on The Lego Movie. I’ll give you a quote and you guess the character that said it, in 10 funny & easy questions Enjoy. [quiz-cat id=”15021″] Hope you had fun with this quiz. So, do you know a lot — or a few — fans of the Lego movies? How about sharing this…
Chris Pratt and the Lego Cast go to Space Camp
This adorable spoof of a reality show about which Lego actor gets to become a space-person is really cute/interesting/funny. Something we at RunPee find continually amusing is how RunPee Dan used to work at Space Camp, and RunPee Jilly worked at Astro Camp, both in the days of our youth. Sometimes geekland is a small…
Wake up again and again on Groundhog Day with Sonny and Cher (I Got You Babe lyrics & video)
One of the running gags of the endlessly repeating loop of Bill Murray’s 90s film Groundhog Day features beleaguered weatherman Phil Conners waking up each day to Sonny and Cher’s 1965 oldies hit I Got You Babe, followed by this ‘chilling’ quote: “OK, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties, cause it’s cold…
Iconic Cars From Movies – Walmart Crafts A Winning Superbowl Commercial
It’s crazy, but the Superbowl commercial of the day goes to….Walmart. Walmart! I know! Whodathunk? I need to make some screen captures, but you can do for now with the below video of the all-out effort made to include beloved, iconic, and a few harder-to-spot cool cars from many movies and TV shows, over many…
Lyrics and Video to Blitzkrieg Bop from Spider-Man – Homecoming
Part of why Spidey’s Marvel Cinematic Universe showing in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War is better than any previous Spider-Man attempts lies in the fresh charm of Tom Holland, and the lively writing of Marvel’s producers and staff. Homecoming captured the rebooted hero the same way that only Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk fans identified with in…
Quiz – Chris Pratt – Not the New Kid in Town Anymore
Chris Pratt became a hot item after the first Guardians of the Galaxy hit the big screen. Follow that up with the revival of the dinosaur franchise with Jurassic World, throw in an animated starring role voice for the Lego Universe, and you’ve got the busiest guy in show biz. And don’t forget one-off sci-fi gems like Passengers! Hope…
Russian Doll is the newest Netflix Addition to the Groundhog Day Loop Theme – and it looks GREAT
RunPeep Shani pointed out that Russian Doll, a new Netflix show, has a Groundhog Day theme. From the trailers it looks like a funny cross between Happy Death Day (sequel coming Feb 14 this year), and the original Murray’s Groundhog Classic. I’m in! We think Shani Olgive will do a binge review series too…but…
Movie Review – How to Train Your Dragon 3 – The Hidden World – No Spoilers (A newbie’s initial review)
This stunning third Dragon movie needs to be seen if you like the series, or even if you’re new to the series but ‘grown-up’ enough to long for dragons to bind with and fly with in your own right. In other words, you don’t even need an excuse to drag a kid along to…