Category: -genres
Movie Review – Arctic Dogs
I just saw a headline that questioned if a child under five should see Arctic Dogs, due to rude humor and lots of action. My question is; would children over five want to see this film? It’s not a boring movie by any means. I truly enjoyed it, but it seems that the generation, of…
Movie Review – Harriet
As many of you know, I am a fan of biopics. I said to myself, “Self, is Hollywood going to mess this story up?” But, surprisingly, they didn’t let me down. Harriet is a must-see for sure. Given that many people may not know the full story about Harriet Tubman, this movie does a good…
Official Movie Review – Terminator: Dark Fate
All things considered, I’d say Terminator: Dark Fate is a worthy successor to the 1991 Terminator 2. After 28 years, 3 other Terminator movies — plus a TV show — it’s hard to think of Dark Fate as the 3rd movie in a trilogy, but that’s where it belongs. Dark Fate had the potential to…
Ranking the Terminator Movies
Well, cool, I just rewatched the entire run of Terminator movies and realized it will be easier to rank them in order of greatness than I thought. For each movie (I’ll get to the TV show later), the best to worst go in order of first to last created. That made it easy! How often…
Movie Review – Black and Blue
This movie pokes at your value system quite a bit. Most of us are all too familiar with stories about dirty cops. This story is no different, but how it plays out onscreen is rather appealing because of Tyrese Gibson, Naomie Harris, Mike Colter, and of course, the city of Katrina recovering in New Orleans.…
Movie Review – Countdown
Countdown was a fun little flick. I enjoyed it — there were some scare moments balanced with just enough humor to add to its overall balance. In today’s world, we are all attached to our phones. They’ve become an extension of our hands. In Countdown, they become your own personal countdown to death. Yes,…
Movie Review – The Lighthouse
It’s no secret I have issues with A24 productions. I have seen them all. I go in with an open mind — and every time but twice I’ve hated them. Spring Breakers and Tusk get a free pass; those entertained me. When I saw the trailers for The Lighthouse, I was excited. It looked…
Movie Review – The Current War
Unless there’s some compelling reason you have for seeing this movie in the theater, I think it would make an excellent movie night at home when it’s streaming online, or on DVD. The only negative thing I have to say about this movie is that the pacing goes way too fast. The scenes cut back…
Movie Review by RunPee Rob – Terminator: Dark Fate
I went into this film with mixed feelings. The original landed in the mid 80s with barely a ripple. A relatively small budget film by a new director, with not a well known cast. But it took off. The early 90s saw T2 launched with a lot of ballyhoo and fuss — and it worked!…
In Defense of Terminator 3
Terminator: Dark Fate opens this week. It’s the sixth movie in the Terminator franchise. However, it is the official sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day…which basically invalidates Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, one of my favorite entries in the entire franchise. Billy Crystal once joked that Arnold Schwarzenegger signed on to make Terminator 3…