Author: Jill Florio
Movie Review – Ghost in the Shell
Grade: A- This is a really, really pretty movie. It’s also a seamless use of CGI, and I’m normally really hard on films that rely extensively on computer animation. It totally works in this one. Ghost in the Shell is an origin story for a comic book character called Major, and apparently this isn’t a…
Movie Review – Life
I don’t even know how to rate this one. For the record, I absolutely hated it. I’m even the target audience, according to the trailers, as I LOVE science fiction and space movies. However, you should all know this is a straight body horror film, with gristly, gruesome, and horrific scenes occurring frequently once the…
Movie Review – Beauty and The Beast (live action version)
The live action Beauty and The Beast is competent, but not hugely compelling.
Movie Review – Logan
The best X-Man movie yet, Logan is a character-driven drama that uplifts the superhero genre. Hugh Jackman, an outspoken fan of RunPee (he tweeted that he checks RunPee for his own movies), gives us the perfect swan song for his iconic Wolverine character.
Movie Review of Kong – Skull Island
Since I posted the 2005 King Kong review yesterday, here is my review of this week’s new movie in the genre – Kong: Skull Island.
How RunPee Began – A Retrospective on Peter Jackson’s 2005 King Kong
With a new King Kong movie just out, we thought this would be a good time to kickstart this blog with a look back on how it all began at RunPee – with a King Kong movie in 2005. Kind of full circle. Here’s our review of Peter Jackson’s King Kong.
Movie Review – The LEGO Batman Movie – One of the BEST Batman films, ever
I liked this better than the original Lego Movie – this one is skewed a little more sophisticated for the grownups – but still has lots of color and spectacle for the kiddos. It’s a very charming film, with a surprisingly good storyline. Things move quickly, and there is a lot to see, making you…
Movie Review – A Dog’s Purpose – A Brutal Experience in Non-Stop Crying
This was a hard movie to rate, because I feel so angry at the producers for even making this emotionally manipulative sob fest. Nobody should see this. The target audience: people who love dogs beyond measure, AND don’t mind crying almost nonstop for an entire film. I can’t even begin to describe how painful this…
Movie Review – Passengers
Grade: A+ I am exhausted from a long, late night movie, so I will be short and sweet tonite. Mainly, I want to say: SEE THIS FILM. I never give an A+ rating, and this movie deserves it. Chris Pratt is a treasure; Jennifer Lawrence brings her A-game, and this movie is a pure delightful mix…