Author: Jill Florio
Universal Builds A Star Trek Land
I recently went to Disney’s Star Wars “May the 4th” overlay of Tomorrowland (it was worth seeing), and from afar spied the rock spires towering above the construction for Galaxy’s Edge – an entire new Disneyland themed park about the world of Star Wars itself. It’s to be an entire immersive city, set on another…
Incredibles 2 Poster Looks Like A Marvel Film
I was looking at the poster for the upcoming Incredibles 2 film, and noticed that it looked awfully familiar. And not just because I saw and enjoyed the first Incredibles film in 2004, but because the poster seemed…exactly like a Marvel film. Specifically, one in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, AKA, the MCU. Here’s the poster…
Movie Review – Adrift
Adrift is both more and less than I expected. I expected long, languid scenes of a sailboat floating aimlessly at sea; I expected storms; I expected frequent stretches where Tami (Shailene Woodley) learns to sail. Those bits were in there. [pullquote]What I didn’t expect: the absence of any kind of compelling narrative in what should…
Sand: A Star Wars Story (Darth Vader Hates This Song)
When I first heard this song about Star Wars and Sand, I played it a few times and realized it was way too catchy — impossible to tune out. But it’s so darn cute I don’t mind having the Force bouncing around in my skull for a spell. The funny thing, in the wake of…
Is Deadpool in the Avengers’ Universe?
It’s established that Deadpool swims in his own little eddy in the great Marvel River. Marvel is a pretty big entertainment property, spanning The X-Men (including Deadpool as their R-rated step-child), the MCU, the comics, and a whole host of related TV shows falling under the franchise’s umbrella. It’s not a free-for-all, though it seems…
Solo: A Star Wars Party in San Diego
Last night Solo: A Star Wars Story splashed across screens in the US, to much excitement and fanfare. Everyone loves Harrison Ford’s Han, so people were excited and curious to see a different actor’s take on the iconic character. [pullquote]Geek that I am, I looked around for a party full of fellow fans to share…
Star Wars at Disneyland
From May the 4th through the opening weekend for Solo: A Star Wars Story, Disneyland’s Tomorrowland has a makeover hailing from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. In other words, The Force has taken over. With Star Wars now a Disney property, Disney is the upcoming go-to place for immersive SW…
The 5 Movies You Need To Watch Before Infinity War
At this time, there are exactly 19 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ant Man & The Wasp is coming soon (to make an even 20) but that tale will probably be a self-contained story: a palette cleanser after the lingering after-effects of mighty number 19, the Avengers Infinity War. You probably already know Infinity War is…
Club 33 – Disney’s Exclusive Hidden Door
On a recent journey to Disney to celebrate “Star Wars Month” (from “May the 4th” through the May 25th weekend release of “Solo: A Star Wars Story“),[pullquote] I looked for the mysterious, mostly unheard of, never advertised, and extremely expensive Club 33.[/pullquote] After much searching, I found the door. What’s Club 33? I didn’t know…
Star Wars Last Shot – A Han and Lando Novel
With the arrival of Solo —the newest Star Wars Story set to splash on cinema screens — pretty much the entire galaxy is primed to learn more about Han Solo. Just how did he fall from expert Imperial pilot to a petty criminal in a seedy underworld? Lots of pre-canon material is out there in book…