Author: Dan Gardner
YouTube: Avengers: Infinity War — Peetimes Explained
Here’s a short video where I describe the thought process of choosing Peetimes for Avengers: Infinity War.
YouTube: 3 Unanimous Peetimes for Shazam![Spoilers!]
Vera and Dan discuss their Peetime choices for Shazam and in a rare instance agree on all three choices.
Movie Review – Hellboy – Wow. So, so, so bad.
Going into the movie I didn’t expect much. The trailer looked promising, so I gave the movie a pre-movie rating of 75/100 in the Peeple’s Poll in the RunPee app. Right from the start the movie had problems. They launched directly into a voice-over narration — rarely a good choice. (I think Fellowship of the…
YouTube: Runpee app review by NewsWatchTV
NewsWatchTV did this fantastic review and walkthrough of the RunPee app. Please contact us ( if you would like to rebroadcast this video.
Ask The Magic 8 Ball – Will I need the RunPee app during Avengers Endgame?
Avengers: Endgame is confirmed as over THREE bladder bursting hours long — and every report says you won’t want to miss a single second of it — not even during the credits. Trust the Magic 8 Ball to prophesize if you’ll need the RunPee app: RunPee will absolutely have Peetimes opening night, and your bladder…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Avengers: Endgame?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Avengers: Endgame. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Shazam! – Great for Tweens, Less So for Adults
I’ll start by setting the context: I love action/superhero movies, but never read any comics. So, I’m basing this review strictly on how I see the movie, not how it compares to any other body of work. The Good: While I definitely didn’t like the movie, I’m sure young boys under 12 years old or…
What’s New in the RunPee App Version 5.0 – Movie posters can can draw on, MCU Peetimes at a glance, and much more!
We slaved a while over this one, but we’re proud to present the latest update to the RunPee app. This version has a way to be creative and make personalized movie designs using your finger as a brush; an exclusive MCU film hub where RunPee collected every Peetime for ALL the 22 movies in the…
The Ending of Endgame – Breaking News
From RunPee HQ: We have new information leaked about the end scene of Endgame. A reliable contact at Marvel Studios just informed RunPee about the upcoming Avengers: Endgame post-credit scene. Picture this: Tony Stark suddenly wakes in a cave in Afghanistan. The ENTIRE story up to now has been nothing more than Tony Stark’s fever…
Peetimes Coming for Avengers Endgame BEFORE OPENING NIGHT
The scheduled runtime for Avengers Endgame is 3:02. That’s three hours and two bladder cramping minutes. And you know there will be extra scenes, so don’t think you can skip out on the end credits. [UPDATE 1: Surprisingly, there are no extra scenes, but there is an audio-only extra at the very end.] The question everyone’s…