Tag: drama
Movie Review – Little Women
Movie review – This movie perfectly describes the journeys and the sacrifices that women must undergo especially in light of the times.
Movie Review – Uncut Gems
This is one of those movies that is impossible to grade. That’s because on the one hand, the acting — especially by Adam Sandler — was terrific. And honestly, even though Kevin Garnett played himself, he still did a fantastic job with the nuances. Hat’s off to him. I’d love to see him get a…
Movie Review – Bombshell
Bombshell was full of great acting. Every single actor/actress in this movie gave it their all. It was a star studded performance. I really enjoyed the direction the movie took. You are watching this basically through the eyes of three very strong women. Theron, Kidman and Robbie each nailed their characters. Their presence wasn’t only…
Movie Review – Cats
I must admit, I was a little hesitant about seeing this movie, because the trailer was not that enticing, given the over-dramatic look of the cats’ upgraded appearance. I am a huge Cats on broadway fan — so because I’m loyal, I figured I would give it a try. If you’ve never seen the broadway…
Movie Review – Richard Jewell
Richard Jewell is an A-grade movie. It’s a tightly constructed biography of a man with a lifelong ambition of becoming a member of law enforcement and how all that goes wrong after doing something heroic.
Movie Review – Queen & Slim
Oops, I did it again! Yes, another cop-ish movie. I told you before that this year is all about bad cops. Queen & Slim was entertaining. This movie is a spin off of the Bonnie and Clyde story, but with a little twist of soul, and a flame to the Black Lives Matter movement…
Movie Review – Dark Waters
It was an amazing expose that has reignited the media and informed the public about this company and its subsidiaries. I found this movie inspirational because it depicted the hard work of a lawyer who dedicated more than a decade of his life to see justice prevail. It was eye-opening for me because so often,…
Movie Review – Knives Out
Knives Out is an absolutely delightful mystery about some really horrible people. The stellar ensemble cast works wonders together and Rian Johnson’s tale doesn’t cheat — the clues are all there. And even if you figure out WhoDunnit before the end, you’ll still be thrilled at the fun you’re having along the way. Knives…
Movie Review – 21 Bridges
Wow! If you are considering a life as a police officer, this year’s line up of movies do not make it an easy choice. You know how we are used to seeing “chick flicks” that male bash? Well, this year is all about calling out the pig in our men and women in blue. You…
Movie Review – A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood
First of all, big kudos to the writers, Micah Fitzerman-Blue, and Noah Harpster. They put together an amazing story which showcased the brilliance of the beloved Fred Rogers. Although the story was only partially true (the character of Lloyd Vogal was based on writer Tom Junod) the embellishments were there to emphasize the true nature…